Ultra color night cameras for NVR5216-16P-4KS2?


Known around here
Nov 1, 2014
I want to replace a camera or maybe 2 out in front with a camera AI that can do night color vision with low light.

All my cameras turret style and NVR5216-16P-4KS2 which are Dahua brand which i purchased back in 2017 which still runs good.

What model turret should be a drop in replacement that I should look into? I still would like to stick with Dahua brand.
I should add that the camera i want to swap out are the IPC-HDW5231R-Z which have a bigger turret base since it varifocus camera.
The 4K-T is the current low light king, but it, too, needs some ambient light to produce color at night and it dos not see IR at all. Also be aware of the focus distance mentioned in the review.

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Reactions: looney2ns
Yep, the 4K-T is great but it does need some light.

If you do not have enough light or do not want to run the built-in white LED, then you are better off with a camera that has infrared. The newest cameras with the 1/1.2" sensor cannot see infrared so you cannot add it later.
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Reactions: sebastiantombs
If you can bend on the night color, the 5442 series is a good step up from the 5231 for low light image quality. The varifocal 5442 I'm pretty sure uses the same mounting base as the 5231 varifocal. The fixed focal 5442 is a bit smaller and uses a smaller base. If you can bend on the varifocal part, the IPC-T5449-ASE-D2 rivals the 4k-t (based on reading reviews, not first-hand experience). There are good review threads for all of these models.
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Reactions: sebastiantombs
Thank you all. I will review on that color camera.

What would be the 4K camera model that also have infrared for night usage. I understand it won’t be in color but a step up upgrade over my current camera setups.
There really isn't a 4K model with infrared other than the cheap consumer grade stuff on the smaller sensors.

There is a 4K on the 1/1.8" sensor and I know someone had it and compared it to the 5442 and the 5442 blew it away at night.
  • Like
Reactions: sebastiantombs
If you can bend on the night color, the 5442 series is a good step up from the 5231 for low light image quality. The varifocal 5442 I'm pretty sure uses the same mounting base as the 5231 varifocal. The fixed focal 5442 is a bit smaller and uses a smaller base. If you can bend on the varifocal part, the IPC-T5449-ASE-D2 rivals the 4k-t (based on reading reviews, not first-hand experience). There are good review threads for all of these
If you can bend on the night color, the 5442 series is a good step up from the 5231 for low light image quality. The varifocal 5442 I'm pretty sure uses the same mounting base as the 5231 varifocal. The fixed focal 5442 is a bit smaller and uses a smaller base. If you can bend on the varifocal part, the IPC-T5449-ASE-D2 rivals the 4k-t (based on reading reviews, not first-hand experience). There are good review threads for all of these models.

Hey thank for the head up. I will check those models out!
I watched @Wildcat_1 Youtube on the 4K-T camera and I was blown away by the color at night using the built in led.

I am curious anyone using this camera with led at night? If so, can led be blinding to drivers passing by.

The two camera i wanted to replace are the two in front of house and one is above garage door and one in front door however both is facing directly to the street.

Will both be blinding to the drivers passing the house?

I am also thinking maybe just take the spotlight which is also above the garage door and replacing with a barn light or street light with dusk to dawn electric eyes if I go with this camera
If you can bend on the night color, the 5442 series is a good step up from the 5231 for low light image quality. The varifocal 5442 I'm pretty sure uses the same mounting base as the 5231 varifocal. The fixed focal 5442 is a bit smaller and uses a smaller base. If you can bend on the varifocal part, the IPC-T5449-ASE-D2 rivals the 4k-t (based on reading reviews, not first-hand experience). There are good review threads for all of these models.

I can’t find review on IPC-T5449-ASE-D2

Is it not released yet or?
To say it is blinding to those passing by is relative LOL.

Most do not like the built in white LED because it makes the camera obvious.

It is like any LED light - if you look right at it, it is blinding, but the dispersion is not very far.

Here is the camera LED on the left and a cellphone flashlight on the right.

To say it is blinding to those passing by is relative LOL.

Most do not like the built in white LED because it makes the camera obvious.

It is like any LED light - if you look right at it, it is blinding, but the dispersion is not very far.

Here is the camera LED on the left and a cellphone flashlight on the right.

View attachment 146751

I don’t care if anyone know where my camera are at, I do try to make it obvious as much as possible when I installed it. This is why i went with turret version to lessen the chance of it being damaged or ripped out since it like only 7 feet high from ground to get the best head shot as possible.

But wow that brighther than I thought it would be. I think it would be enough to piss some of my neighbors off lol ….

I might have to go with street light above my garage door instead if i get this camera.

I am curious. Does the led have a capacity to come on if the camera detect any motion in it or it’s manually set on/off?

Many thanks for sharing the photo, it helped a lot.
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Reactions: sebastiantombs
Does the led have a capacity to come on if the camera detect any motion in it or it’s manually set on/off?

i have written a php script, that use API and switch on light on motion. but need to run all day on a server. i run it on my smartphone with termux as php-cli .

this also set the timeplan on ipc on real sunset/sunrise for night and day mode.

$debug = false;
$camname = "empty";

/ source: https://github.com/riogrande75/Dahua/blob/master/DahuaEventHandler.php

declare(ticks = 1);

function logging($text){
    list($ts) = explode(".",microtime(true));
    $dt = new DateTime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s.",$ts));
    $logdate = $dt->format("Y-m-d H:i:s.u");
    echo $logdate.": ";
    echo "\n";

function sig_handler($sig) {
    global $Dahua;
    switch($sig) {
        case SIGINT: sleep(1);
        case SIGTERM:
        # one branch for signal...

pcntl_signal(SIGINT,  "sig_handler");
pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, "sig_handler");
pcntl_signal(SIGHUP,  "sig_handler");

    case 'ipc1': $camname="ipc1_haustuer";
    echo "<** Dahua IPC $camname START **>\n";
    $Dahua = new Dahua_Functions("", "php", "pass",$camname);

    case 'ipc2': $camname="ipc2_terrasse";
    echo "<** Dahua IPC $camname START **>\n";
    $Dahua = new Dahua_Functions("", "php", "pass",$camname);
    case 'ipc3': $camname="ipc3_garagenhof";
    echo "<** Dahua IPC $camname START **>\n";
    $Dahua = new Dahua_Functions("", "php", "pass",$camname);

    case 'suntime':
        $Dahua = new Dahua_Functions(0, 0, 0,0);
        echo $Dahua->SunTime(3); /$argv[2]
    echo "no cam select;";

/set sunset/sunrise time every start:

$status = $Dahua->Main();
logging("All done");

class Dahua_Functions
    private $sock, $host, $port, $credentials, $camname;
    private $ID = 0;                        # Our Request / Responce ID that must be in all requests and initated by us
    private $SessionID = 0;                 # Session ID will be returned after successful login
    private $SID = 0;                       # SID will be returned after we called <service>.attach with 'Object ID'
    private $FakeIPaddr = '(null)';         # WebGUI: mask our real IP
    private $clientType = '';               # WebGUI: We do not show up in logs or online users
    private $keepAliveInterval = 60;
    private $lastKeepAlive = 0;
    private $lightStatus=0;
    private $username, $password;
    private $motionTrigger='no';

    function __destruct() {

    function Dahua_Functions($host, $user, $pass, $camname)
        $this->host = $host;
        $this->username = $user;
        $this->password = $pass;
        $this->camname = $camname;
    function Gen_md5_hash($Dahua_random, $Dahua_realm, $username, $password)
        $PWDDB_HASH = strtoupper(md5($username.':'.$Dahua_realm.':'.$password));
        $PASS = $username.':'.$Dahua_random.':'.$PWDDB_HASH;
        $RANDOM_HASH = strtoupper(md5($PASS));
        return $RANDOM_HASH;
    function KeepAlive($delay)
        global $debug;
        logging("Started keepAlive thread");
            $query_args = array(
            $lastKeepAlive = time();
            $keepAliveReceived = false;
            while($lastKeepAlive + $delay > time()){
                $data = $this->Receive();
                if (!empty($data)){
                    foreach($data as $packet) {
                        $packet = json_decode($packet, true);
                        if(is_array($packet) AND array_key_exists('result', $packet)){
                            if($debug) logging("keepAlive back");
                            $keepAliveReceived = true;
                        elseif ($packet['method'] == 'client.notifyEventStream'){
                            $status = $this->EventHandler($packet);
            if (!$keepAliveReceived){
                logging("keepAlive failed");
                return false;
    function Send($packet)
        if (empty($packet)){
            $packet = '';
        $header = pack("N",0x20000000);
        $header .= pack("N",0x44484950);
        $header .= pack("V",$this->SessionID);
        $header .= pack("V",$this->ID);
        $header .= pack("V",strlen($packet));
        $header .= pack("V",0);
        $header .= pack("V",strlen($packet));
        $header .= pack("V",0);

        if (strlen($header) != 32){
            logging("Binary header != 32 ({})");

        $this->ID += 1;

            $msg = $header.$packet;
            $result = fwrite($this->sock, $msg);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
    function Receive($timeout = 5)
        # We must expect there is no output from remote device
        # Some debug cmd do not return any output, some will return after timeout/failure, most will return directly
        $data = "";
        $P2P_header = "";
        $P2P_data = "";
        $P2P_return_data = [];
        $header_LEN = 0;

            $len = strlen($data);

            $read = array($this->sock);
            $write = null;
            $except = null;
            $ready = @stream_select($read, $write, $except, $timeout);
            if ($ready > 0) {
                $data .= stream_socket_recvfrom($this->sock, 8192);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            return "";

        if (strlen($data)==0){
            #logging("Nothing received anything from remote");
            return "";

        $LEN_RECVED = 1;
        $LEN_EXPECT = 1;
        while (strlen($data)>0){
            if (substr($data,0,8) == pack("N",0x20000000).pack("N",0x44484950)){ # DHIP
                $P2P_header = substr($data,0,32);
                $LEN_RECVED = unpack("V",substr($data,16,4))[1];
                $LEN_EXPECT = unpack("V",substr($data,24,4))[1];
                $data = substr($data,32);
                if($LEN_RECVED > 1){
                    $P2P_data = substr($data,0,$LEN_RECVED);
                    $P2P_return_data[] = $P2P_data;
                $data = substr($data,$LEN_RECVED);
                if ($LEN_RECVED == $LEN_EXPECT && strlen($data)==0){
        return $P2P_return_data;
    function Login()
        logging("Start login");

        $query_args = array(

        $data = $this->Receive();
        if (empty($data)){
            logging("global.login [random]");
            return false;
        $data = json_decode($data[0], true);

        $this->SessionID = $data['session'];
        $RANDOM = $data['params']['random'];
        $REALM = $data['params']['realm'];

        $RANDOM_HASH = $this->Gen_md5_hash($RANDOM, $REALM, $this->username, $this->password);

        $query_args = array(
        $data = $this->Receive();
        if (empty($data)){
            return false;
        $data = json_decode($data[0], true);
        if (array_key_exists('result', $data) && $data['result']){
            logging("Login success");
            $this->keepAliveInterval = $data['params']['keepAliveInterval'];
            return true;
        logging("Login failed: ".$data['error']['code']." ".$data['error']['message']);
        return false;
    function Main($reconnectTimeout=60)
        $error = false;
        while (true){
            $error = true;
            $this->sock = @fsockopen($this->host, 80, $errno, $errstr, 5);
                logging("Socket open failed");
            if (!$this->Login()){
            #Listen to all events
            $query_args = array(
            $data = $this->Receive();
            if (!count($data) || !array_key_exists('result', json_decode($data[0], true))){
                logging("Failure eventManager.attach");
                foreach($data as $packet) {
                    $packet = json_decode($packet, true);
                    if ($packet['method'] == 'client.notifyEventStream'){
                        $status = $this->EventHandler($packet);
            logging("Failure no keep alive received");
    function EventHandler($data)
    global $debug;
    $eventList = $data['params']['eventList'][0];
    $eventCode = $eventList['Code'];
    $eventData = $eventList['Data'];
        logging("Event Manager subscription reply");

    elseif($eventCode == 'VideoMotion'){
        logging("Event VideoMotion -".$eventList['Action']);
        if($eventList['Action'] == 'Start'){

        if($this->SunTime(3)=="night" AND $this->camname=="ipc2_terrasse"){ $this->ToggleLight("on",15,5); } / licht an! 
        if($eventList['Action'] == 'Stop'){

            $this->ToggleLight("off");    / licht aus!

    elseif($eventCode == 'SmartMotionHuman'){
        logging("Event SmartMotionHuman -".$eventList['Action']);
        if($eventList['Action'] == 'Start'){        
        if($eventList['Action'] == 'Stop'){
    elseif($eventCode == 'CrossRegionDetection'){
        if($eventList['Action'] == 'Start'){
            if($eventData['Action']=="Appear" OR $eventData['Action']=="Cross" OR $eventData['Action']=="Inside" OR $eventData['Action']=="Disappear"){
            if($this->SunTime(3)=="night" AND ($this->camname=="ipc1_haustuer" OR $this->camname=="ipc3_garagenhof")){ $this->ToggleLight("on",15,4); } / licht an! 
                    logging("CrossRegionDetection [".$eventData['Action']."]: ".$eventData['Name'].": ".$eventData['Object']['ObjectType']);
        if($eventList['Action'] == 'Stop'){
                /wenn "crossregion appear" kein VideoMotion ausgelöst hat, bleibt licht dauerhaft an, deshalb hier beenden wenn motionTrigger=='no'                
                logging("CrossRegionDetection Stop!");
            /light aus, bei ende von motiondetect. da sonst zu kurzes event.
        if($eventList['Action'] == 'Pulse'){
            logging("StatusSync: ".$eventData['Function'].": ".intval($eventData['Status']));
    elseif($eventCode == 'RtspSessionDisconnect'){
        if($eventList['Action'] == 'Start'){
            logging("Event Rtsp-Session from ".str_replace("::ffff:","",$eventData['Device'])." disconnected");
        elseif($eventList['Action'] == 'Stop'){
            logging("Event Rtsp-Session from ".str_replace("::ffff:","",$eventData['Device'])." connected");
    elseif($eventCode == 'BackKeyLight'){
        logging("Event BackKeyLight with State ".$eventData['State']." ");
    elseif($eventCode == 'TimeChange'){
        logging("Event TimeChange, BeforeModifyTime: ".$eventData['BeforeModifyTime'].", ModifiedTime: ".$eventData['ModifiedTime']."");
    elseif($eventCode == 'NTPAdjustTime'){
                if($eventData['result']) logging("Event NTPAdjustTime with ".$eventData['Address']." success");
                        else  logging("Event NTPAdjustTime failed");
    elseif($eventCode == 'KeepLightOn'){
        if($eventData['Status'] == 'On'){
            logging("Event KeepLightOn");
        elseif($eventData['Status'] == 'Off'){
            logging("Event KeepLightOff");
    elseif($eventCode == 'VideoBlind'){
        if($eventList['Action'] == 'Start'){
            logging("Event VideoBlind started");
        elseif($eventList['Action'] == 'Stop'){
            logging("Event VideoBlind stopped");
    elseif($eventCode == 'Reboot'){
        logging("Event: Reboot, Action ".$eventList['Action'].", LocaleTime ".$eventData['LocaleTime']);
    elseif($eventCode == 'SecurityImExport'){
        logging("Event: SecurityImExport, Action ".$eventList['Action'].", LocaleTime ".$eventData['LocaleTime'].", Status ".$eventData['Status']);
    elseif($eventCode == 'DGSErrorReport'){
        logging("Event: DGSErrorReport, Action ".$eventList['Action'].", LocaleTime ".$eventData['LocaleTime']);
    elseif($eventCode == 'Upgrade'){
        logging("Event: Upgrade, Action ".$eventList['Action'].", with State".$eventData['State'].", LocaleTime ".$eventData['LocaleTime']);
    elseif($eventCode == 'NetworkChange'){
            logging("Event: NetworkChange, Action ".$eventList['Action'].", LocaleTime ".$eventData['LocaleTime']);
        logging("Unknown event received");
        file_put_contents('unknownEvent.txt', var_export($data)."\r\n--------------------------------------------------\r\n", FILE_APPEND);
        if($debug) var_dump($data);
    return true;
    function SaveSnapshot($path=".")
    $filename = $path."/MotionShot_".$this->camname."_".date("Y-m-d_H-i-s").".jpg";
    $fp = fopen($filename, 'wb');
    $url = "http://".$this->host."/cgi-bin/snapshot.cgi";
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->username . ":" . $this->password);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1);
    copy($filename, $path."/aktuelles_event_".$this->camname.".jpg");
    function SunTime($setit=0){
        $time = time();
        $latitude = 49.3; $longitude = 10.59;
        / $sunrise = date_sunrise($time, SUNFUNCS_RET_TIMESTAMP, $latitude, $longitude); $sunset  = date_sunset($time, SUNFUNCS_RET_TIMESTAMP, $latitude, $longitude);

         $suninfo = date_sun_info($time, $latitude, $longitude);

         $isunrise = $suninfo['sunrise']; file_put_contents("sunrise.txt",$isunrise);
         $isunset  = $suninfo['sunset']; file_put_contents("sunset.txt",$isunset);
         $sunrise = date('H:i:00', $suninfo['sunrise']);
         $sunset = date('H:i:00', $suninfo['sunset']);
        $url = "http://".$this->host."/cgi-bin/configManager.cgi?action=getConfig&name=VideoInMode";

[{"Config":[0,1],"Mode":1,"TimeSection":[["1 08:30:00-19:00:00","0 00:00:00-00:00:00","0 00:00:00-24:00:00","0 00:00:00-24:00:00","0 00:00:00-24:00:00","0 00:00:00-24:00:00"],["0 00:00:00-24:00:00","0 00:00:00-24:00:00","0 00:00:00-24:00:00","0 00:00:00-24:00:00","0 00:00:00-24:00:00","0 00:00:00-24:00:00"],["0 00:00:00-24:00:00","0 00:00:00-24:00:00","0 00:00:00-24:00:00","0 00:00:00-24:00:00","0 00:00:00-24:00:00","0 00:00:00-24:00:00"],["0 00:00:00-24:00:00","0 00:00:00-24:00:00","0 00:00:00-24:00:00","0 00:00:00-24:00:00","0 00:00:00-24:00:00","0 00:00:00-24:00:00"],["0 00:00:00-24:00:00","0 00:00:00-24:00:00","0 00:00:00-24:00:00","0 00:00:00-24:00:00","0 00:00:00-24:00:00","0 00:00:00-24:00:00"],["0 00:00:00-24:00:00","0 00:00:00-24:00:00","0 00:00:00-24:00:00","0 00:00:00-24:00:00","0 00:00:00-24:00:00","0 00:00:00-24:00:00"],["0 00:00:00-24:00:00","0 00:00:00-24:00:00","0 00:00:00-24:00:00","0 00:00:00-24:00:00","0 00:00:00-24:00:00","0 00:00:00-24:00:00"]]}]

        $url = "http://".$this->host."/cgi-bin/configManager.cgi?action=setConfig&VideoInMode[0].Mode=1&VideoInMode[0].Config[0]=0&VideoInMode[0].Config[1]=1&VideoInMode[0].TimeSection[0][0]=1%20$sunrise-$sunset&VideoInMode[0].TimeSection[0][1]=0%2000:00:00-24:00:00&VideoInMode[0].TimeSection[0][2]=0%2000:00:00-24:00:00&VideoInMode[0].TimeSection[0][3]=0%2000:00:00-24:00:00&VideoInMode[0].TimeSection[0][4]=0%2000:00:00-24:00:00&VideoInMode[0].TimeSection[0][5]=0%2000:00:00-24:00:00";    
        logging("setTimeDayNight: sunrise: $sunrise ; sunset: $sunset ;");

        $ch = curl_init();
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_DIGEST);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->username . ":" . $this->password);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1);
        $ret = curl_exec($ch);

        /logging("sunrise: ".$isunrise." < ".$time);        logging("sunset: ".$isunset." > ".$time);
        if($isunrise<$time AND $isunset>$time ){
            return "day";
            return "night";
    function ToggleLight($opt='off',$far=12,$near=2){
        global $debug;
        $url = $ret = false;
        if($opt=="on" AND $this->lightStatus==0){
            $url = "http://".$this->host."/cgi-bin/configManager.cgi?action=setConfig&Lighting[0][0].FarLight[0].Light=".$far."&Lighting[0][0].NearLight[0].Light=".$near."&Lighting[0][0].Mode=Manual";
            $this->lightStatus = 1;
        if($opt=="off"){ /AND $this->lightStatus==1
            $url = "http://".$this->host."/cgi-bin/configManager.cgi?action=setConfig&Lighting[0][0].FarLight[0].Light=0&Lighting[0][0].NearLight[0].Light=0&Lighting[0][0].Mode=Off";
            $this->lightStatus = 0;
        $ch = curl_init();
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_DIGEST);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->username . ":" . $this->password);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1);
        $ret = curl_exec($ch);

        logging("Light: $opt ; status: ".$this->lightStatus."; ret=".$ret);
        if($debug AND ($url==false OR $ret==false)){
            logging("LightToggle: $opt ; status: ".$this->lightStatus);


this also may help many other people.

would be nice if i could hack/root the NVR to install this on it... or may do coding on it.
  • Like
Reactions: CanCuba
That is a nice camera that fills a niche space, so make sure you have the right location for it.

Installed about 6-7 feet high with an optimal focus distance of 12-15 feet and be in backlit condition.
  • Like
Reactions: sebastiantombs
@TechBill , for what I've seen, stay away from the IPC-HDW5449H-ASE-D2...... potentially, one of the best camera, actually one of the worst.
@TechBill , for what I've seen, stay away from the IPC-HDW5449H-ASE-D2...... potentially, one of the best camera, actually one of the worst.

Yeah .. I think I am leaning toward to 4K-T and install a dusk to dawn street light or maybe a barn light and get one of those led bulb that have the old look coil style.