Unable to Live View remotely HIKVSION 7608

Dec 12, 2014
I'm a newbie, setting up my first NVR for home use. I'd really appreciate someone with more knowledge helping me figure out the following issue:

VIEWING ON THE LAN WORKS: I've set up a 4 camera Hikvision 7608 NVR. I have the NVR assigned a static ip address on my local LAN and I can successfully access the NVR as long as I'm on the LAN. I can log in as admin and Live View all four cameras while on my local LAN, both on my iPad using the NIKVISION app and my Macbook Pro using Safari. I did have to download a plugin for Safari to get the MB Pro to work, but things seem to work fine as long as I'm on my home LAN.

NOW TO PORT FORWARDING - VIEWING FROM A REMOTE SITE: After several attempts, I think I have my Xfinity router set to forward ports 8000 & 80 to the NVR local static ip address. Additionally, I signed up for a DDNS hostname with dyndns.org and it appears I can at least access the NVR from off site. Using either the iPad App set to the hostname or my MB Pro running Safari, I am immediately connected to the HIKVISION login page on the DVR. I can login and access all of the menus just as I can on my home LAN. However, when I try to LIVE VIEW, the iPad hour glasses for a few seconds and stops. When on my MB Pro w Safari, I can see all of the cameras listed, but I cannot get Live View to happen.

I'd appreciate any insights you might have.

Thanks fenderman; that seemed to work. Wow what a learning curve for us who haven't done networking to any extent....
No problem...note that you dont have to forward port 80 if you are just viewing the stream via the app...its a bit more secure if you dont forward the http port..