Unable To Unbind HiLook DVR


Oct 11, 2024
Hi Everyone,

I've given up trying to do this myself and I have admitted defeat, and I come to you wonderful lot to see if I can get some help!

I've moved into a new house and part of the agreement was that the previous owners would leave the cameras for us; which they have, however they've remained logged into the cameras and haven't unbound themselves from the cameras so that we can set them up. Tried contacting the previous owners who essentially told me tough titties, he doesn't know the admin password, the pattern password nor the original company who set the cameras up. I've read a few posts on here to try with the SADP tool, however I'm greeted with "Error Code: 99 Network Connection Failed." I'm also asked for the Administrator Password, which I haven't a clue what it would be. I'm at my wits end, and would really appreciate any help!

Edit: I've opened the DVR to see if there was a reset button next to the battery like some other threads but unfortunately there wasn't. The DVR model is DVR-204U-K1 if that helps!



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