Updated today (10/27/24) and have some issues, help please?


Getting the hang of it
Nov 24, 2014
Hi all, I updated today to Version: Release x64, it had been 2 years since I updated but everything worked great up until like 2 days ago, my CPU and RAM consumption went form like 30% to 80%, 90% and more and I hadn't changed any settings. So the update seems to help that issue, I am in the low to mid 30's range for CPU which is fine but I have 2 new issues that I never had before and again, I made no changes other then the upgrade. All cameras and settings are the same. I am running 10 cameras and most have the sub stream. I am recording direct to disk. Below is what I am copying and pasting for my stats from BI. I am hoping someone can help. Please ask any questions that will be relevant to you helping me. Thanks, Adam:

Support data:
Version: Release x64 (10/3/2024)
Service: Yes [LocalSystem]
Name: Adam Farber
Email: adamf@eeco.com
Maintenance: Extended
Expires: 11/15/2024
OS: Windows 10 Pro
CPU,GPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700 CPU @ 3.60GHz [43%,0%]
RAM: 2.79GB/15.9GB
Clips: 1237 items, 3004/3205GB
Storage: E: +720.6GB, C: +622.7GB
Perhaps I can not read, but I am not sure what your two new issues are, perhaps you could clarify what the issues are?
Whoops Bruce, I am not too bright, I forgot to add the 2 issues, they are 2 warnings I keep getting:

a) Clip: Disk can't right fast enough ( am getting this on several cameras)
b) Delete: Over quota 3005/3005GB 720.2 GB free

Any help with these 2 issues would be great!

Thanks, Adam

Support data:
Version: Release x64 (10/3/2024)
Service: Yes [LocalSystem]
Name: Adam Farber
Email: adamf@eeco.com
Maintenance: Extended
Expires: 11/15/2024
OS: Windows 10 Pro
CPU,GPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700 CPU @ 3.60GHz [43%,0%]
RAM: 2.79GB/15.9GB
Clips: 1237 items, 3004/3205GB
Storage: E: +720.6GB, C: +622.7GB
If you are recording continuously, that creates a constant load on the hard drive could trigger a "can't write fast enough" message once in a while. I wouldn't worry about it as long as there are no obvious problems with playback of clips. If you record continuously then a "surveillance" hard drive is advisable over a generic one. Such as a Seagate Skyhawk or Western Digital Purple.

As for the messages about deleting, I don't think those are a problem. It is just Blue Iris logging its deletion activity.
Hi, thanks for the reply. What is bothering me is that for years I have never had the warning about can't write fast enough and as mentioned I used the same update for BI5 for 2 years until today when I decided to update to the latest critical and stable update and now I have first time error messages. Thanks, Adam
See what bp2008 mentioned about your HD. What type of HD are you using? If this is your 1st upgrade in 2 years a lot has changed w/ BI.
Try slowing down the FPS on the camera that you can, esp ones that are over 15 fps.
Hi all and thanks for the great responses. I will try the cameras at 15FPS. As for the hard drive bp2008 recommended I would like to stay with an external USB drive 4TB but the ones recommended looked like internal drives from what I saw, is there a fast drive that I can use that is external USB if someone can suggest one? Right now I am using a Seagate STGX4000400 which I guess is not fast enough.

Thanks, Adam
In your " cameras" tab in Settings, see if your " hardware accelerated decode" is set to intel. if so we have seen where updates to BI have caused this setting to create CPU jumps and other problems.
If your not comfortable turning it off globally ( all cams) then go to each camera's "settings" selection and select the Video tab, and set Hardware decode to NO. and as you remove each one, see if things quiet down. CPU -wise.
11 cams. CPU 7-9% (12 as the color4k 180 is actually two cams) driven by an i7-8700. Only using Nvidia GPU on 3 cams. 2 for CPAI. This has reduced my CPU %age from around 12%-15%. The rest are thru the intel processor. with Hardware acceleration off. There is no free lunch though, The GPU load goes up when the CPU load is moved there. But the CPU fan(s) stay quiet this way.
DIY...get a fast surveillance drive purpose built for streaming video, and your own case. this has USB ver. 3.1
Better then a Purpose built Seagate backup drive which is just a desktop harddrive. This Seagate is USB ver. 3.0

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WOW now that is an answer to my question about the hard drive! I will get that Seagate and the box, fantastic. Last question because I am not too bright, do I need to format the drive? It's being used for the clip storage. Thanks! Adam
WOW now that is an answer to my question about the hard drive! I will get that Seagate and the box, fantastic. Last question because I am not too bright, do I need to format the drive? It's being used for the clip storage. Thanks! Adam
I hope you mean That Western Digital and the box....:)
Your Seagate part# shows that it is a 2.5 Laptop hard drive in a USB style case. Laptop hard drives will have a hard time keeping up with camera streaming unless you go to like 5-7 FPS and put everything on Substreams
Whoops, yes, of course I meant buying the WD Purple drive and the box so again 2 questions:

a) Will it be fast enough using it in the box through a USB port?
b) Will I need to format the drive?


Oh, I see you gave formatting instructions, How do I know the partition type, size, and formatting options. It's only used for BI recordings. Adam
Yep, you haven't updated in 2 years, and this is new warnings added in probably the past year.

Be careful with external drives.

The theoretical transfer speed of USB 3.0 is 4.8 Gbit/s (600MBps) and when I tested it with 2 cameras for the live recording, it started stalling after 25min. It can't keep up with the sustained, non-buffering of video cameras.

Theoretical and real-world and sustained are totally different numbers.

It can even struggle with moving already recorded video over.

So here is a real-world demonstration. I was trying to move roughly 260GB of data from NEW to STORED.


I was moving it from a WD Purple (750 MBps) through a USB 3.0 (625MBps) port to another WD Purple HDD (750MBps)

At first it said it would take about 2 hours to move 260GB, but look how fast it dropped to a transfer of 37.7MB/s


Two hours came and went. About 6 hours later, the speed had dropped to less than 2 MB/s.

260 GB (260,000 MB) should have taken 416 seconds or less than 7 minutes at the theoretical speeds.


Those speeds just are not going to cut it for live recording of non buffering video.

Some say they work just fine, but I suspect they simply haven't had an incident happen yet where they found out they are missing recordings.

Of course YMMV.

Yes you will need to format the drive. Below is SouthernYankee's standard post:

My Standard allocation post.

1) Do not use time (limit clip age)to determine when BI video files are moved or deleted, only use space. Using time wastes disk space.
2) If New and stored are on the same disk drive do not used stored, set the stored size to zero, set the new folder to delete, not move. All it does is waste CPU time and increase the number of disk writes. You can leave the stored folder on the drive just do not use it.
3) Never allocate over 90% of the total disk drive to BI. Leave at least 50GB free.
4) if using continuous recording on the BI camera settings, record tab, set the combine and cut video to 1 hour or 3 GB. Really big files are difficult to transfer.
5) it is recommend to NOT store video on an SSD (the C: drive).
6) Do not run the disk defragmenter on the video storage disk drives.
7) Do not run virus scanners on BI folders
8) an alternate way to allocate space on multiple drives is to assign different cameras to different drives, so there is no file movement between new and stored.
9) Never use an External USB drive for the NEW folder. Never use a network drive for the NEW folder.
10) for performance do not put more than about 10,000 files in a folder, the search and adding files will eat CPU and disk performance. Look at using a sub folder per camera (see &CAM in bi help)

Advanced storage:
If you are using a complete disk for large video file storage (BVR) continuous recording, I recommend formatting the disk, with a windows cluster size of 1024K (1 Megabyte). This is a increase from the 4K default. This will reduce the physical number of disk write, decrease the disk fragmentation, speed up access.
On the Blue iris status (lighting bolt graph) clip storage tab, if there is any red on the bars you have a allocation problem. If there is no Green, you have no free space, this is bad.
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google is your friend when it comes to "how to" with setting up drives,
Theoretically your putting a higher performance drive in a USB enclosure, so yes the data thru-put should be faster.
Should being the key word.
If your situation improves great, if not you now own the correct drive to record on. and implementing that into your system would be the next round of googling for you.
Yes, thanks, I'll try it externally and if not good enough inside my PC it shall go. Thanks for all your help! Adam