The cams and NVR I linkedin my post #13 are, in fact, International versions made by Dahua for Andy Wong of Empire Technology, AKA @EMPIRETECANDY . They are available from him or his AliExpress Store for shipment to the UK.
Right okay that may explain it. It’s a 55” Sony OLED. I’ve another thread that mentioned the setup and shows images. I will be honest I paid £500 for it all. Would you recommend changing the NVR? Or are the cameras low end too?
Unless you're just viewing the cameras momentarily eg you hear a noise outside, flick from tv to the camera to check then back, I wouldn't recommend an OLED. You will experience screen burn with a static image and a camera interface has menus and other frames that are static. If the OLED is for dual useage as I described, then it's fine. If it's your intention to keep it permanently with CCTV on screen or switch between CCTV and TV but have it on CCTV for long periods, then I wouldn't recommend using it for that purpose. I got given a brand new OLED a few years ago (top brand) as a present and in just over 2.5 years, I had to send it back under warranty and swap it for an LED because watching Youtube on it had burn't the Youtube logos and play bars into the the screen even though I watched most videos fullscreen and without bars. The simple fact with OLED's is those phosphors only have a certain lifespan for each colour pigment. If you keep lighting the same area up in the same colour for extended periods or repeatedly, then overtime, that colour phosphor will start to weaken and you'll get a perment burn into the screen as that area will no longer be able to adequately produce whatever the dominent colour was in that area and thus other colours such as white, will not be able to display properly and you'll find a ghost logo burn into the screen as I did of the colour minus the deficient phosphor. eg in my case the logos were red, so I ended up with a greenish / blue ghosting. As I said above, this was the cumulative effect of watching Youtube, despite only having the play bar, logos etc onscreen for a short period of time whilst searching before going fullscreen was enough to permanently damage my tv. If you need a permanent diplay for CCTV, consider a 4k PC display or an LED tv. There's still a chance of retention with an LED tv over a long period of time, but it's lower than with OLED and may be fixable.
So far as you existing cameras go, nothing wrong with those cameras. There are better choices such as the 4Kx and 5442's Andy sells. However, as other mentioned the problem here is almost certainly your NVR which is feeding your display with very low resolution images, way below that of the cameras native resolution. Also note here, different TV's upscale better at different resolutions. eg on my current tv which is a very good one, 1080P > 4K is excellent. 720P > HD is aweful. Bear that in mind as your NVR may be feeding very low resolution video to your tv.
So I would be better with a new NVR? Also I have the display resolution on 4K, which is probably not helping. Any suggestions for an 8 or even 4 way? I’ve also a 6TB HDD which I may increase so I can use the maximum Bitrate.
If you want the best quality, stick to the IP cam talk recommended cameras. They've been tested and recommended for a reason: 4kX, 4kT, 5442 (Andy's model numbers - search for the threads for the Dahua Model Numbers).
So I would be better with a new NVR? Also I have the display resolution on 4K, which is probably not helping. Any suggestions for an 8 or even 4 way? I’ve also a 6TB HDD which I may increase so I can use the maximum Bitrate.
It's not just bitrate. Read what Looney said above. Your current NVR can only support ONE camera at 4mp. You have more than one so the resolution will be lower, possibly 1080P or 720P. I believe he suggested a suitable NVR model as a replacement, it's all above.
Personally, I'd replace my NVR and see what the cameras look like then at 8,000 kbs each on the mainstream, 2,000 kbs on the sub stream. If you still don't like them, then you can look to swapping them out. The camers you have are not the best, but they're not the worst either. The problem seems to be mostly your NVR.
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+1^^^ re: eBay.
I would not trust that vendor after reading some of his reviews....bait and switch, open box sold as new, wrong item, won't return contact attempts, etc.
Did you even try @EMPIRETECANDY ? Why not send him a PM and ask how much for that same NVR (the one I link in my post #13) shipped to UK ?
As an eBay Associate IPCamTalk earns from qualifying purchases.
As an Amazon Associate IPCamTalk earns from qualifying purchases.
+1^^^ re: eBay.
I would not trust that vendor after reading some of his reviews....bait and switch, open box sold as new, wrong item, won't return contact attempts, etc.
Did you even try @EMPIRETECANDY ? Why not send him a PM and ask how much for that same NVR (the one I link in my post #13) shipped to UK ?