Upgraded Dahua NVR4208 and lost IVS capabilities in NVR

Yes, the newer NVRs can do AI on cameras that do not support it, BUT enabling it cuts the capacity of the NVR, and by some aspects up to half and can make it problematic for some users. That is why it is best to have the camera do it.

Yup. Same as a CPU to a graphics processor.

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No, AI is just a general term for the various functions that are intelligent, (IVS/SMD, etc) unlike old fashioned Motion Detection that simply detects the change in contrast of a pixel. This is why plain MD cant distinguish between a shadow from a tree branch vs a car.

yes, the newer AI powered NVR's can perform AI functions with cameras without such features. I cant vouch for it working on ALL cameras, but in theory most Dahua cameras should be compatible.
There are limitations/tradeoffs however

For instance

Perimeter Protection
Perimeter Performance AI by Recorder (Number of Channels)4 channels, 10 IVS rules for each channel
Perimeter Performance of AI by Camera (Number of Channels)8 channels
And when you enable AI on the recorder, youy cut your bandwidth capacity by almost 1/2

Network BandwidthAI disabled: 384 Mbps incoming, 384 Mbps recording and 384 Mbps outgoingAI enabled: 200 Mbps incoming, 200 Mbps recording and 200 Mbps outgoing

Got it. Thanks.
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