Upgrading Firmware? Q3617-VE

Jan 1, 2024
So normally I update FW when it comes out but on my Axis I don't normally do this. Seeing it is working well with what I have it, always worried that an update is going to remove or change something that I am using at this time and might not be happy being without lol.. So wondering if anyone has this camera and is using the firmware that it is showing as my update Q3617_9_80_85 If you are using it what did it change and or did you rollback?

Thank you
Thank you for the info. a few things about where I have my camera for no other reason then I could lol. But in my router pool the static IP for the Axis camera has been denied access to the internet and I have it kind of tucked away behind a Vlan. My camera unlike yours is just a static zoom camera that has a nice sensor size and small zoom factor. Years ago when I bought it, I had it placed on my front porch facing the driveway that is covered in trees so needed something with low light ability. I have since sold that property. What I like about the current FW is that I can change the cameras position without having to factory reset and install only setup that it was on before. Meaning while it isn't a PTZ it does have Motorized Pan and tilt and normally was only able to run when first setup to fine tune the cameras position. Says it has about 100 run life cycle. I have ran it now about 12 times but where I have it mounted now I like to move the cameras FOV at different times of year to meet my viewing pleasure. Seeing I have plenty of PTZ cameras I am happy with this one being a zoom camera. Just personally don't want to give up the ability to make the Pan and Tilt Adjustments that I can right now without having to do a Reset..
That is interesting. Given Axis reputation, most here would likely update an Axis camera before they would update some other brand of camera that is working.
As I said with the current update installed my camera went from a feature that was listed as only being able to run when system was installed and or after a Reset to being able to run it at any time without having to reset my camera back to factory. So I figured I would just lock it away from access so there was no update that might get done without me doing it.. I have no issue with Axis cameras being connected normally just didn't want something removed that was running...

For instance I have 3 DVRs of same brand. One of them is kind of broke and Ai works even when I have Ip cameras enabled even though it says it shouldn't when i enable the Ip channels on the DVR it still says that Ai will be lost. However Ai still works so I also removed that from having internet access.. Different but same idea to why I blocked access.. Not because I don't trust the device, I just don't want to loose what is working..