US Elections (& Politics) :)

Most everyone knows that Ron DeSantis is going to be Trump on steroids. If he wants it he'll be the next Prez. The libs will be missing Trump at that point.
Blasphemy CyberKitten?? Isn't DeSantis "God's next chosen one" God's gonna" come down real soon and whack your pee-pee for that one...
Sure got quiet here. If anything the remains of Trump may well be quite now...listening to possibly something creeping up behind him. Will it be the Murdocks with Tasers looking to "push Humpty off" because we have intel that Humpty was pushed...
Or could it be an FSB operative behind him preparing for some "Wet Work" now that Vlad doesn't find him useful? Might be Ivanka too, you just never know...
LOL. Let me guess-- Conservatives are just part of the "Trump Cult"-- right?? Oh the irony.

trump cult.jpg

None of this is about Trump-- it's about prioritizing what is BEST for the United States of America, something that apparently the leftists like yourself don't want.
It doesn't take Trump for that, and nobody is demanding a Trump bid. DeSantis will do just fine. We just want the constitution upheld-- and he gets that. Buyden sure doesn't-- and Harris Sure AF doesn't. So--- keep trying to troll away there sweetheart-- your hypocritical bullshit is seriously amusing.
Just do a cut and paste and replace "Troll" with "Trump", fits like a glove....
LOL--- and it is obvious that Trump is living rent-free in your head. keep obsessing. that shit is funny.
Hey libtards, show us where on the doll your daddy touched you.

I'll take a break for a while now, I'm sure I won't miss much, but on the global scale, I think I'll just watch and see how it all ends

Only the cherry picked ones, same as you guys...
Yup, just like any other liberal, make promises and not keep them. Just like all of the ones that said they would leave the USA if Trump won, but did not.
LOL--- and it is obvious that Trump is living rent-free in your head. keep obsessing. that shit is funny.
Nah, I'm charging him the same rate he charged to the Secret Service to stay in trump tower. Will have to collect before Vlad and or the Murdocks give him a one way trip to the desert...
Glad to give you "Comic Relief" in the meanwhile.
Nah, I'm charging him the same rate he charged to the Secret Service to stay in trump tower. Will have to collect before Vlad and or the Murdocks give him a one way trip to the desert...
Glad to give you "Comic Relief" in the meanwhile.
Oh--- you mean the time period when Trump's wealth was dropping like a rock while he was President. LOL. His wealth dropped by a Billion or so or???

Do Hunter and the Big Guy now.... LOL. Go ahead--- go off on that shit! Nah... that's doesn't fit your narrative that denies the reality that Buyden is a crooked motherfucker. :)

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From AFA:

Like a lot of election nights, there was good news and bad news from Tuesday’s results. However, I did not want you to miss this very good news on the pro-life front.

Every single governor that signed pro-life laws in the last year won re-election! Here is a story about this from

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Oh--- you mean the time period when Trump's wealth was dropping like a rock while he was President. LOL. His wealth dropped by a Billion or so or???

Do Hunter and the Big Guy now.... LOL. Go ahead--- go off on that shit! Nah... that's doesn't fit your narrative that denies the reality that Buyden is a crooked motherfucker. :)

View attachment 145370
who cares that many millions from Ukraine and China and Iran went into the biden coffers when "Trump Jr. had to have done something?" :facepalm: :rolleyes:
UPDATE: Breakdown of the Remaining 621,856 Ballots Left to Count in Arizona
Via Kari Lake’s Senior Advisor – “No Mathematical Path for Katie Hobbs”
By Jim Hoft
Published November 10, 2022

Caroline Wren, the Senior Advisor for Kari Lake, joined Steve Bannon on The War Room on Thursday morning.

It has been two days since the midterm election and Arizona still has not counted all of the ballots. There are currently 621,856 ballots left to count in the state. Third-world countries have more secure elections than Arizona and several Democrat states in the US.

On Thursday morning Caroline reiterated that there is “no mathematical path for Katie Hobbs to be governor.”

Caroline then broke down the votes that are left to be counted.

Caroline Wren: “If election day dropoffs (384,414 total) break just 52-48 our way we still win. My personal opinion is they’re going to break 70%. That is the level of rage we have right here that we’re working with. They have been breaking at that high level but I’m just pointing out that we could win with just 52 percent breaking. Keep in mind that that’s just breaking for Maricopa COunty. Those rural counties are going for us. Those Pima election drop-offs are also going to break for us. They are breaking 60-40 for us right now as far as people who actually voted on election day.

UPDATE: Breakdown of the Remaining 621,856 Ballots Left to Count in Arizona Via Kari Lake's Senior Advisor - "No Mathematical Path for Katie Hobbs" (VIDEO)
UPDATE: Breakdown of the Remaining 621,856 Ballots Left to Count in Arizona
Via Kari Lake’s Senior Advisor – “No Mathematical Path for Katie Hobbs”
By Jim Hoft
Published November 10, 2022

Caroline Wren, the Senior Advisor for Kari Lake, joined Steve Bannon on The War Room on Thursday morning.

It has been two days since the midterm election and Arizona still has not counted all of the ballots. There are currently 621,856 ballots left to count in the state. Third-world countries have more secure elections than Arizona and several Democrat states in the US.

On Thursday morning Caroline reiterated that there is “no mathematical path for Katie Hobbs to be governor.”

Caroline then broke down the votes that are left to be counted.

Caroline Wren: “If election day dropoffs (384,414 total) break just 52-48 our way we still win. My personal opinion is they’re going to break 70%. That is the level of rage we have right here that we’re working with. They have been breaking at that high level but I’m just pointing out that we could win with just 52 percent breaking. Keep in mind that that’s just breaking for Maricopa COunty. Those rural counties are going for us. Those Pima election drop-offs are also going to break for us. They are breaking 60-40 for us right now as far as people who actually voted on election day.

UPDATE: Breakdown of the Remaining 621,856 Ballots Left to Count in Arizona Via Kari Lake's Senior Advisor - "No Mathematical Path for Katie Hobbs" (VIDEO)

A whole lot of shenanigans going on in the Phoenix area.
Personally, moving forward I think DeSantis is the the path for Conservatives. Simply put, Trump is too much of a lightning rod, plus he's older and too many don't appreciate how he's a fighter. They think his tantrums and verbal assaults are unbecoming but it's simply a page out of the libtard playbook. He's simply fighting fire with fire but different standards are applied to conservatives therefore it's deemed as unacceptable. My opinion is not anti-Trump it's simply being practical given the state of the country's lunacy.

Personally, moving forward I think DeSantis is the the path for Conservatives. Simply put, Trump is too much of a lightning rod, plus he's older and too many don't appreciate how he's a fighter. They think his tantrums and verbal assaults are unbecoming but it's simply a page out of the libtard playbook. He's simply fighting fire with fire but different standards are applied to conservatives therefore it's deemed as unacceptable. My opinion is not anti-Trump it's simply being practical given the state of the country's lunacy.

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I very much agree. The key is that we get a president in with a policy structure that benefits the country as Trump had done. DeSantis will do that.

In the meantime, a GOP House will hopefully slow down the Buyden idiocy and hypocrisy-- but Big Guy still has two years to do stupid crap and be the fool. Best strategy-- just let Buyden's own mouth and anti-America, anti-constitution, and anti-Freedom policies show everyone how badly the leftists are wannabe totalitarians.