Hahaha. you do have some humor in you...Like so many from the Left that don't understand, we don't love Trump, we do stand with him, we love what he does for We the People and the fact that he has called out and exposed the corruption in our Gov't. We also love the fact that he acknowledges that he works for us, While in office he accomplished the majority of what his voters asked of him. We don't see him as a Politician or a Republican for that matter, while in office he was an unpaid servant of the people. What makes him Great is his endurance, he has been the most attacked president in our history, yet he still has the largest support/following I have ever witnessed. Sure he is arrogant and full of himself but who cares, he is the kind of president the U.S. needs, a defender of our nation, not a sellout.
I sure miss the Trump years, says my wallet and our savings...and my sanity...