US Elections (& Politics) :)

While you have the garbage truck making it's rounds....

Joe Biden after tea-time is like Henry Fonda in 'On Golden Pond'

"President Joe Biden appeared at a press conference Tuesday.

He only schedules events between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., according to Axios. The press conference took place at 6 p.m. It was one of only 13 public appearances he’s made after his tea-time “lid.”

Here’s what we learned: Joe Biden after 4 p.m. looks like a movie star. The problem is the movie star he looks like is Henry Fonda in “On Golden Pond.”

Joe Biden after tea-time is like Henry Fonda in 'On Golden Pond' (

My comment: I have noticed that the media has stopped calling “lid” days at the White House. So, at best Biden only works 6 hours a day. Trump worked 12-14 hours a day if not more.
They've known about this corruption for years. As long as they have government, tax payer funded, positions, I don't see things getting better.