US Elections (& Politics) :)

Well, good for her. I don't expect to see any similar statements from our linguini-spined politicians.

Yet some will believe it

Legal experts and critics lashed Donald Trump over the weekend after he fabricated a law he claimed gives presidents the “absolute and unquestioned right” to take any documents when they leave office.
The former president made the claim during a speech at the conservative Turning Point Action Conference in West Palm Beach, Florida, on Saturday.
While railing against last month’s federal Espionage Act indictment over his handling of classified documents taken from the White House to his Mar-a-Lago estate, Trump claimed: “Whatever documents a president decides to take with him, he has the absolute and unquestioned right to do so.”
“This was a law that was passed and signed,” he insisted. “And it couldn’t be more clear.”
Legal experts did not agree. Laurence Tribe, a legal scholar and Harvard University professor emeritus, said “no such law exists.”
According to the plan……

'Massive US Oil Caverns' Are Now Empty, Will Take 'Decades To Refill' Thanks To Biden

On a side note:
You would think brain dead liberal Democrats would at some point start looking at data and reality and begin to be concerned about things more important than “Orange man bad”, but as our own token idiot proves, they’re incapable of rational critical thinking and have the maturity of adolescents.
How bad is the moral and ethical decay and depth of depravity at the FBI?

Watch this with Sen Josh Hawley grilling the Deputy Director of the FBLie (commentary is actually very good but I have no idea who the commentator is)

Skip to 2:12 to begin watching Josh Hawley rip the DD
The Decline of Western Civilization, Part VIII
Just another nutjob, but with a name. The best Kennedy died in World War II serving his country, IMO.


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Yet some will believe it

Legal experts and critics lashed Donald Trump over the weekend after he fabricated a law he claimed gives presidents the “absolute and unquestioned right” to take any documents when they leave office.
The former president made the claim during a speech at the conservative Turning Point Action Conference in West Palm Beach, Florida, on Saturday.
While railing against last month’s federal Espionage Act indictment over his handling of classified documents taken from the White House to his Mar-a-Lago estate, Trump claimed: “Whatever documents a president decides to take with him, he has the absolute and unquestioned right to do so.”
“This was a law that was passed and signed,” he insisted. “And it couldn’t be more clear.”
Legal experts did not agree. Laurence Tribe, a legal scholar and Harvard University professor emeritus, said “no such law exists.”
LOL. Right.
Please tell me what the CRIMINAL PENALTIES are for violating the Presidential Records Act? Hint: THERE ARE NONE. But hey-- keep going with the witch hunt driven by TDS.

MTG can be cringe, but she nailed this:

Just another nutjob, but with a name.
If you're basing that comment on the text under RFK's picture, I don't understand how repeating some observed data has anything to do with somebody's degree of nuttiness. That caption in the photo is likely based on the Washington Post hit job article that makes false claims about what RFK stated.
Just another nutjob, but with a name. The best Kennedy died in World War II serving his country, IMO.

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View attachment 167956
RFK is dead wrong about this. Remember that CCP was locking down whole cities during COVID - they even locked people in their apartments so that they couldn't leave. Many people died in China from COVID
I doubt that their is any genetic marker sufficently unique to Jews as many many people's dna have some traces since their migratory path early on went thru that area.
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Well, hit job or not, this is what he has been quoted as saying. Now he is trying to walk it back. So if he did say it, then yes, that is freak'n ridiculous.

Either way, I really don't care, I don't vote demonturd and as far as I can see, never will. Do I think a virus could be engineered to attack a certain ethnicity? Why not? Do I think the Covid virus was this way? Hell no.

Well, hit job or not, this is what he has been quoted as saying
Where was he quoted as saying covid was targeted? Did you listen to the video? Even the original hit article didn't quote him as saying covid was targeted, it just claimed he said something that he didn't say. The video is less than 2 minutes long. Give me the time marker where you think he claimed that covid was targeted, or where he personally believes that Chinese and Jews are immune. Hints: At 0:26 he says "There's an argument that...", then at 1:16 he closes presenting the argument by saying "We don't know..." and "There are papers out there that show...". All of the hit job statements attributed to him were during this interval where he was repeating what somebody else said. Video in this link:
RFK Jr. says COVID may have been ‘ethnically targeted’ to spare Jews (A false headline)

I'm not trying to debate nuttiness. I'm appalled by how false information is being spread.
Abominable RFK Jr. Anti-Semitism Accusation A Harbinger Of Things To Come

"The internet being what it is, this fake news accusation went around the world faster than Churchill’s famous line about the truth and the time it takes to put on your pants. The lie appeared almost immediately in numerous publications from the Daily Mail to the Daily Beast as if it had to be true that RFK Jr. was anti-Semitic."
Meanwhile in Washington DC...

If you heard his mumbling earlier in the video, I have a video meme idea for you.
Get the "Mana-mana" video of the Muppets and paste Potatoe's head onto them going Mana-mana.
The tweeters going "doo-doo-doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo," are just the sleeping public's reactions.
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