US Elections (& Politics) :)

Bend over, folks and get ready... :mad:

This is a very bad thing, I believe this will be the final touch to social policing like China has.

One of AFA's positions, that I have been following, is if the Gov't controlled Internet deems your website/podcast, etc. not aligned with their narrative (Abortion, LGBQ++++++++++, Gender confusion, etc.) then this can hurt the churches/evangelist big time by shutting down a major commination tool the Gospel presently has.
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One more example of just how deep down the shitter this country has gone.

They used to call it Affirmative Action....

NSA Promotes Anti-White Racism Among Employees, Leak Reveals
What a pile the FCC. The reason they could care less about the frequencies, is because they hired lawyers
that could not use radio equipment. But, as we know, now EVERYONE is a computer expert! hence,
they by default are now network experts. What could go wrong?
"This Is Going To Expose Everything": Mike Lindell Says Georgia Voting Machine Ruling "Opened The Door That No Man Can Shut"
"This Is Going To Expose Everything": Mike Lindell Says Georgia Voting Machine Ruling "Opened The Door That No Man Can Shut" | ZeroHedge

........... MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell has vowed to 'expose everything' following last week's massive ruling by an Obama-appointed judge in Georgia, Amy Totenberg, who agreed with Lindell's legal team that electronic voting machines used by the state of Georgia have substantial flaws.

According to Totenberg, there is sufficient cause to believe that there may be "cybersecurity deficiencies that unconstitutionally burden Plaintiffs’ First and Fourteenth Amendment rights and capacity to case effective votes that are accurately counted."

What's more, in a footnote within her 135-page ruling, Totenberg said the evidence in the case "does not suggest that the Plaintiffs are conspiracy theorists of any variety."
"Indeed, some of the nation's leading cybersecurity experts and computer scientists have provided testimony and affidavits on behalf of Plaintiffs' case in the long course of this litigation," she wrote.
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Apparently on 11/6, Congressman Jim Jordan posted an expose on "our" government and their schemes to censor information:

Tip of the froggy hat to Elon Musk for the pointer.

Unfortunately, like most "bombshells" revealed over the past year or so, it'll likely fizzle out and wind up being a "dud", a waste of everyone's time and a big disappointment for anyone hoping justice will ever be served to those that participated in the theft. I would LOVE to be totally wrong about that.
This will be a major part of the next election...hope I am wrong, but I don't think so. Lets hope they are met with equal to greater force.
