US Elections (& Politics) :)

All these statue removals reminds me of Ancient Egypt and how the Pharaoh's would not allow their defeats in wars recorded. They tried to alter history but were unsuccessful since other nations recorded the wins.
Trying to hide or rewrite history is a sign of weakness and lack of intelligence.
Egypt was once a great nation, now look at them...
This is how the Federal gubermint controls States and people.

Love our Gov!

As I’ve said before, I’ll stack his actions against the others flapping their lips all day long..
This is how the Federal gubermint controls States and people.

This is why I'm against things like vouchers so lower income parents can send their kids to a private school. Morally (IMO of course) the parents are entitled to the money, but once they get hooked, the government WILL kill off the private schools by either controlling or bankrupting them.
This is why I'm against things like vouchers so lower income parents can send their kids to a private school. Morally (IMO of course) the parents are entitled to the money, but once they get hooked, the government WILL kill off the private schools by either controlling or bankrupting them.

The school our kids went to never took a dime from any “program.”
In 2020/2021 when kids were supposed to “mask up to save the world” the school literally said get fucked.

Every other private school in our area made the kids wear masks. It turned out that those schools were getting various sources of funding from the state and the state said that if you don’t comply they will pull all funding.
I grew up on a family farm. There was always endless programs available for funding. Dad always said, If we can't make it on our own without government money, then we are doing something wrong.

I now have my own small farm, and the programs and money offered is ridiculous. Just this past year I finally said screw it. The government steals so much from me that I will take anything back from them which I am able to get back.
I think I'm more befuddled that his poll numbers are high as they are. Anything higher than 20% is unacceptable and disturbing.
