Killer Joe!!!
Killer Joe!!!
Same thought here, for some many months, actually. All of this bullshit is just leading up to it. They're slow-walking everyone to the realizations.I'm honestly beginning to believe there is a not insignificant chance that there wont be an election this year.....
Rather than Civil War II, I'd prefer to call it The Second American Revolution.All of those things are unconstitutional and would create a scenario where Civil War II becomes extremely probable. Then it becomes a question of military loyalties--- to a party despot, or to the Constitution to which they pledged to protect. The idiot liberals spouting "YoU CaN't FiGhT tHe Us MiLiTaRy WiTh YoUr LiTtLe Ar'S" have no clue that the real battle would be between factions of the military.
New York City High School Students Kicked Out of Class to Make Room For 2,000 Illegal Aliens | The Gateway Pundit | by David Greyson
Joe Biden’s
Liberal Democrats simply arent capable of putting 1+1 together and discovering the number 2.
They are so shallow and self centered, focusing only on the moment, that they are incapable of understanding cause and effect.
Hopefully, most of them will continue getting boosters