US Elections (& Politics) :)

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Fucking amazing - bring back the guillotine

The Elite 1 Percent Behind The Cultural Civil War
The Elite 1 Percent Behind The Cultural Civil War | ZeroHedge

The slideshow presentation here

To illustrate the scale of the gap between the elite 1 percent and the rest of the country, consider the elite 1 percent’s views on climate issues (and understand that these ideas are opposed by 63 percent to 83 percent of most Americans).
  • 77 percent of the elite 1 percent would like to impose strict restrictions and rationing on the private use of gas, meat, and electricity.
  • 72 percent of the elite 1 percent favor banning gas powered vehicles.
  • 69 percent of the elite 1 percent favor banning gas stoves.
  • 58 percent of the elite 1 percent favor of banning sport utility vehicles.
  • 55 percent of the elite 1 percent favor banning non-essential air travel.
  • 53 percent of the elite 1 percent favor banning private air conditioning.
As Rasmussen noted, the degree to which the elite 1 percent think their views represent those of the average American is astonishing.

According to Rasmussen, the most radical of the elite 1 percent were educated at what he calls the “dirty dozen:” Harvard, Yale, University of Pennsylvania, Northwestern, John’s Hopkins, Columbia, Stanford, Berkeley, Princeton, Cornell, MIT, and the University of Chicago.

The elite 1 percent who graduated from these schools deeply believe in government. Fifty-five percent believe there is too much individual freedom in America and that Americans should obey government and follow government leadership.
Ha, ha, ha. Say it enough, say it over and over, and say it again...the dumb masses will believe it!


The governor said that the exchange came while he was checking out a store and observed a man "just walking out" of the store without paying.
"Why aren't you stopping him," Newsom said he asked the employee.

My question to the governor: "Why aren't YOU doing something to stop him?" :wtf:
quite possibly the lowest form of life on the planet. Scientists are studying it now...say they are now testing against 1 cell organisms. The Amoeba's are ahead so far...
Ut oh....too early for a former SC gubinor to talk about secession? I mean it's been over 160 years but even so I can still believe some would still be a bit sensitive about that. :rofl:


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