US Elections (& Politics) :)

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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I still don't understand what exactly Vance brings to the table. He is not going to get one single additional vote. Leaving aside DEI just on pure merits Tulsi and Vivek would have been far better options.
Guess in the end Peter Thiel money or influence made the difference. I would say it's the latter, with many Banks cutting ties with Trump organization after J6, this would help them.

Trump Jr was heavily pushing Vance, despite repeated comments from big influencers on X. This push came after a silicon valley fundraiser organished by Vance.

Major influencers and high profile persons on X who where pushing for Vivek where Gen Michael Flynn, Candence, Catturd, Hodge Twins, a few dozen more 1 millions plus followers accounts and a few billionaires and practically every poll.

For Tulsi we had Steve Bannon and few more of the above.

The paid Trump influencers started heavily pushing for JD Vance and Burgham, with some going on tell that Burgham was the best in the primary debate, which is a blatant lie.

JD vance cannot win in 2028. His senate seat itself was funded by Peter Thiel. He was a Atheist, praised Obama, Never Trumper he did 180 in all of these.
I know this is CNN, it came across my phone this morning, figured, ok what is the Left saying about Vance...



Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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I still don't understand what exactly Vance brings to the table. He is not going to get one single additional vote. Leaving aside DEI just on pure merits Tulsi and Vivek would have been far better options.
Guess in the end Peter Thiel money or influence made the difference. I would say it's the latter, with many Banks cutting ties with Trump organization after J6, this would help them.

Trump Jr was heavily pushing Vance, despite repeated comments from big influencers on X. This push came after a silicon valley fundraiser organished by Vance.

Major influencers and high profile persons on X who where pushing for Vivek where Gen Michael Flynn, Candence, Catturd, Hodge Twins, a few dozen more 1 millions plus followers accounts and a few billionaires and practically every poll.

For Tulsi we had Steve Bannon and few more of the above.

The paid Trump influencers started heavily pushing for JD Vance and Burgham, with some going on tell that Burgham was the best in the primary debate, which is a blatant lie.

JD vance cannot win in 2028. His senate seat itself was funded by Peter Thiel. He was a Atheist, praised Obama, Never Trumper he did 180 in all of these.
THIS exactly the way I saw it also