They figure it's "free" shit, so why not?But I feel that 40% of the freters will still vote for more of the same shit.
That brings to mind this famous quote which is often attributed incorrectly to Abe Lincoln:International Olympics Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach told reporters on Friday that he lacks a “scientifically solid system” to tell a man from a woman as gender controversy continues to buffet the 2024 Games.
These people are insane, they were either born without common sense or it has been brainwashed out of them.
International Olympics Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach told reporters on Friday that he lacks a “scientifically solid system” to tell a man from a woman as gender controversy continues to buffet the 2024 Games.
Ted is kewl, haha, sun baked turds, a Hunter's quote for sure...Yup! Paying people to show up at rallies, free concerts to attract people who leave when she starts talking, and stupid enough to use AI-"enhanced" images to make it appear thousands are in attendance. Except the images are clearly doctored, and the banners/posters are edited in, quite inconsistently at that. There is no there, there. Nothing. No substance. All smoke and mirrors, with millions of gullible and ignorant Dimocraps eating it up, because the lame stream drive-by media tell them to.
Meanwhile, Uncle Ted Nugent is calling it precisely as it is...
These people have sun baked turds for brains!
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Teleprompter scripted DemocracksFrom some people watching the Harris rally in Phoenix tonight, she is giving the same speech that she did at the previous rallies such as the one in Detroit. That is just pathetic.