There's a guy here who works for the Township and has a pickup with a dump bed. He was parking in the front row, facing a major highway with the bed raised and a Trump 2020 flag on the headboard. I think management stopped him from doing that, but I've seen more than a few pickups with Trump flags flying.
Someone steals Biden sign in middle of night, in the nude. Probably high on something and just wanted his own Biden sign for free . Includes a guy hacking up a Trump sign too, elsewhere.
Someone steals Biden sign in middle of night, in the nude. Probably high on something and just wanted his own Biden sign for free . Includes a guy hacking up a Trump sign too, elsewhere.
Joe Biden and the rest of his family should pay back America with interest, a penalty, and jail time. Including for anyone that knew about their world wide benefiting of 10s of millions of dollars, off being a representative of the American tax payer. And including any profits of the stolen money from the American tax payer.
Someone steals Biden sign in middle of night, in the nude. Probably high on something and just wanted his own Biden sign for free . Includes a guy hacking up a Trump sign too, elsewhere.
My wife and I watched the debate with as close to objectivity as we could. Obviously we are not liberals.
That said, Trump made a couple of stumbles but Biden lost this debate. Period. Pennsylvania is now gone with Biden’s declaration that oil and gas will be ”transitioned out” by 2035.
Biden’s pivoting position on fracking was deftly raised by Trump.
The lies from Biden that are easily verified were outrageous.
We believe Trump was Presidential tonight and Biden was on the ropes.
Drudge sold out, or at least that’s the rumor. Pretty clear that site took a hard left turn in the last 18 months. It’s now a liberal billboard.
I use to love drudge, he REALLY changed his stance on Trump, perhaps that,s why is website is waning. I can actually count on one hand how many times I have looked this year. Perhaps he is hanging out with Ann Coulter EH ?