If the agencies involved weren't either corrupt or scared, RICO act indictments would be forthcoming.Watch: BLM Occupies Seattle Trader Joe’s Demanding 15 Percent to Black Communities
Black Lives Matter protesters pushed their way into a Seattle Trader Joe’s demanding the company give “15 percent at least.” The group has repeated the tactic of harassing the store’s staff and customers over the past few months.
A video tweeted Thursday night shows a large group of BLM activists entering a Seattle Trader Joe’s store. They chanted and beat drums as they marched through the grocery chain location.
The marchers chanted demands that the store donate “15 percent at least” to the Black community. They went on to harass customers and store employees, demanding they join the cause.
Watch: BLM Occupies Seattle Trader Joe's Demanding 15 Percent to Black Communities
Black Lives Matter protesters pushed their way into a Seattle Trader Joe's demanding the company give "15 percent at least."www.breitbart.com
My comment. Also known as a protection racket.
In Oregon which has had 100% vote by mail for ~20 years, signature matching is featured as a main contributors to the security of the system. So by Oregon standards, Pennsylvania's system is insecure. By Pennsylvania's standards, Oregon is disenfranchising eligible voters. Another example of what the libs do to any system that doesn't give them what they want: Destroy it.ZeroHedge
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zerowww.zerohedge.com
Well, I do not think it will be the first lawsuit. I remember seeing the PA governor on an interview stating that "We will be lucky to have all the votes counted by Thanksgiving". PA cannot even start counting votes until the election is over. Looks like it will be awhile, and you think things are bad now.Me thinks PA may just be the first contested lawsuit. How can any sane person think that’s gonna end well?
I’m actually from there originally but glad I got out 43years ago. Democrat unions destroyed the place.
The funny part is that I got sick one time drinking that killer Boone's Farm goodness, when I was a teen in the seventies.
This is one of many reasons why Trump gets the Christian vote, hands down...Believe me the Arabs are all terrified of Iran, Israel and the U.S. is their only hope...Sudan-Israel relations agreed, Donald Trump announces
Sudan is to normalise relations with Israel, US President Donald Trump says - the latest in a series of Arab League countries to do so.
There had been growing speculation Sudan would announce ties in return for being removed from the US list of state sponsors of terrorism.
Sudan had been a foe of Israel since the latter's founding in 1948.
It comes weeks after similar moves by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain.
The two Gulf states became the first in the Middle East to recognise Israel in 26 years.
Jordan signed a peace deal with Israel in 1994, and Egypt in 1979. Mauritania, an African Arab League member, recognised Israel in 2009 but severed ties 10 years later.
The growing number of Arab countries formalising relations with Israel has been condemned by the Palestinians, who see it as a betrayal of their cause.
Sudan-Israel relations agreed, Donald Trump announces
Sudan becomes the third Arab country in weeks to agree to normalise ties with its historical foe.news.yahoo.com
My Comment: President Trump, you magnificent bastard.
Hate to break this news but there will be a time (maybe sooner than we think), and if the destruction of the world does not come first, where AI will possibly replace or definitely assist humans when it comes to law decisions.^^^ In an ideal world, you are absolutely correct. The problem becomes that the Court is staffed with humans who, no matter how hard they try, still have their opinions and biases traveling with them throughout their lives. If they follow the Constitution, as written that's what I think makes a good Justice. When they say, well it could mean this after doing 50 pages of legal mumbo jumbo, to get around what the Constitution says is the big problem.
Give Me, Give Me, Give MeWatch: BLM Occupies Seattle Trader Joe’s Demanding 15 Percent to Black Communities
Black Lives Matter protesters pushed their way into a Seattle Trader Joe’s demanding the company give “15 percent at least.” The group has repeated the tactic of harassing the store’s staff and customers over the past few months.
A video tweeted Thursday night shows a large group of BLM activists entering a Seattle Trader Joe’s store. They chanted and beat drums as they marched through the grocery chain location.
The marchers chanted demands that the store donate “15 percent at least” to the Black community. They went on to harass customers and store employees, demanding they join the cause.
Watch: BLM Occupies Seattle Trader Joe's Demanding 15 Percent to Black Communities
Black Lives Matter protesters pushed their way into a Seattle Trader Joe's demanding the company give "15 percent at least."www.breitbart.com
My comment. Also known as a protection racket.
"We were hoping for a different answer"? LOL. That's the trouble with live TV. You never know what someone will say.Well, we know what the democrats are strong in one thing![]()