US Elections (& Politics) :)

Ignore it. He's not mentally capable and didnt write it.
Fuck Joe Biden. Fuck his pardons. Fuck anyone who agrees with this shit
Time to take the gloves off

This right here. That's the absolute best take on this.
Have someone commit crimes against your political enemies and then preemptively pardon them.

Democrats are straight garbage and Biden is a shit stain on the American fabric.
Heard on X

These pardons should absolutely be challenged on constitutional grounds. SCOTUS needs to determine whether presumptive pardons are even legally valid.

There’s no authority in the constitution for preemptive pardons. We must challenge it, overturn it, and criminally pursue these thugs!

If this garbage is allowed, whats preventing the Chief Pedophile piece of shit from preemptively pardoning say, anyone who voted for him?
There’s no way this will be legal.

If they allow this then all Trump should do is imprison them all without trial and pre-emptively pardon everyone involved.

Two can play that game
This preemptive pardoning is a black and white issue.
Zero room for gray.
We're either a Constitutional Republic or a Dictatorship
Trump can pardon anyone who voted Republican for example, in perpetuity, for unnamed crimes.
Its madness and must be stopped NOW
Does a preemptive pardon now mean that all of these people can just go out and murder someone in public and get away with it?
And there it is

Why do these assholes need a pardon if they did nothing wrong? There should be Nuremberg trials for Fauci and the other covid criminals, would a pardon get them out of that?
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Presidential Pardon's (this one will be thrown out by the USSC) Do NOT apply to State Crimes or prosecution

Fauci — he can still be prosecuted under state law, despite the federal pardon. And
has been investigating Covid 19 and Fauci through Florida’s grand jury system.There is still hope for accountability, if indeed appropriate. I trust DeSantis’ Florida to do the right thing.