US Elections (& Politics) :)

Wow, comments from those of you with cancer and other health problems is very sobering so I thank God for the good health I have and I pray for you. Tomorrow is no guarantee for any of us much less next year so, not to sound morbid, it made me wonder if there was a way any of us could do something to inform the forum if something happened to us. I feel close to many of you as good friends even though I've never personally met you or even know your real name. It would be a shame if we wondered "what happened to (fill in a username) he hasn't posted in awhile". I guess I could show my wife how to access the forum from my computer and post a message if something happened to me. Any thoughts on a better way?

I’ve already gone over that with Mrs bigredfish. She knows if she wants the surveillance cameras to work after I’m gone she needs to login here and ask for help. She has 7-8 of the regular names and I told her to be careful with Arjun asking for pics ;)
More about the as-yet-unreleased J6 political prisoners:

We need to go back to public trials and sentences.....of judges, mayors, politicians and other government officials. :mad:
Excellent news.
I prayed for you and the afterlife said they ain’t ready for you. Something about being a troublemaker and we could keep you .
On a different note, I have had my new truck in Service a few times since I got it, nothing major, but the young lady in Service I talked to alot on the phone. So this last time there my wife was with me. So both present, I turned to my wife and said this is the young lady I that you heard me talking to. My wife looked at her and said you can have him, lol. I should of said this is Jake from State Farm, lol...maybe I am still here on earth as a troublemaker too...
The left will never give up. Even though Carrie has tried to stay out of politics, singing at Trump's inaguration was unforgivable to them.

"An insider told the outlet that there are concerns contestants might be “uncomfortable” being part of the show and fear her doing so could affect ratings."

The left will never give up. Even though Carrie has tried to stay out of politics, singing at Trump's inaguration was unforgivable to them.

"An insider told the outlet that there are concerns contestants might be “uncomfortable” being part of the show and fear her doing so could affect ratings."

"Jesus, take the wheel....." :headbang:
Any of you guys married to a "non-transgender woman" I admit I am.

Same here.

And SHE'S married to a non-transgender, Ford drivin', Coke drinkin', Bama football lovin', church goin', pistol totin', U.S. flag flyin', ex-military man with the same plumbing parts he was born with. :cool:
Take it out of whatever money being sent south of the border and give it to Texas. NOW!


Just another wonderful day in the 'hood.
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I call bullshit on this:

Just the fact they had to put that out, speaks volumes of their bad business practices...the can go jump in a lake...
Dems are stupid, they think we are going to forget all they put us through...I am taking their evil action memories to my grave, might eventually forgive but never forget...