US Elections (& Politics) :)

Poor guy, he's already lost a lot of income selling access to "the big guy" and now his paintings won't sell. Maybe USAID can help him out.

Yeah, Bidenomics has inflated the price of coke.....but it's gonna get worse as Trump closes the border and our military drones start helping to shut down the cartels. Better hit "The Big Guy" for your allowance and stock up now!
This girl has comitted an unforgiveable sin. This school district needs to lose all funding and whatever other penalties can be thrown at them, this is in Washington state.


Active-duty JBLM soldier indicted for selling military secrets to China; 2 others charged​

1. Indictment
2. Trial
3. If found guilty, sentence of death by lethal injection, electrocution or firing squad as chosen by judge and to be carried out within 90 days

It's really not that complicated.:idk:
Poor guy, he's already lost a lot of income selling access to "the big guy" and now his paintings won't sell. Maybe USAID can help him out.


Biden claims he’s had trouble finding a permanent place to live.
Hey, Hunter...what about the Graybar Hotel? :lmao:
18 million a month???

Somehow my ignore list got cleared. Fixed it.
This is funny, I went back to look for a message and noticed on page 2055 of this Thread there were only 3 messages. What??? Now I know why, I have him blocked and he must of did his childish post to fill up the other messages for that page, 58 years old??? Wow, sad...funny thing is if we are all ignoring him (not seeing his post) then he is just talking to himself...
This is funny, I went back to look for a message and noticed on page 2055 of this Thread there were only 3 messages. What??? Now I know why, I have him blocked and he must of did his childish post to fill up the other messages for that page, 58 years old??? Wow, sad...funny thing is if we are all ignoring him (not seeing his post) then he is just talking to himself...
It would be one thing if he engaged in good-faith conversation and/or debate. Blasting 15 or 20 non-sensical messages in a row does not make for reasonable discussion. Oh well.