US Elections (& Politics) :)


They finally have him out of the way and now are coming for us. They are shutting down your ability to get unbiased information, to speak your mind, and be heard. Next it will be 're-education camps' for Trump supporters.
View attachment 79194

They finally have him out of the way and now are coming for us. They are shutting down your ability to get unbiased information, to speak your mind, and be heard. Next it will be 're-education camps' for Trump supporters.
Sad but true. This image speaks volumes.
I’m sure you‘ll enjoy your socialist stimulus check. I guess you also support the last four years of corporate socialism that has been happening under trump. Socialism isn’t the problem. Lazy corrupt politicians are the problem.

Dartworth, I shouldn't waste my time responding to you, and this will be the last time I do. I do not need the stimulus money, never did. Oh, I am far from wealthy....retired enlisted man that works 2 jobs to support my family. I don't want the stimulus money. YOU know why? Because I have two daughters, 8 and 12 years old, and we are F****G up their futures already. But I will say that if they are willing to give MY HARD EARNED TAX money away to other countries for bullshit reasons, for bullshit 'studies', the yeah, give some of it back to me. At least my family will not waste it and it WILL go back into the economy. The United States of America economy, not some foreign nations banks.

And the problem does start with Politicians....but WHO puts these freaks in office? The Squad? Socialist, liberal POS's, that's who.

You have anything else to add to your socialist agenda freak show?
Can someone clarify a statement I saw someone say that said the Bill of Rights only applies to the Federal Government and not the State governments...For some reason I thought that changed after the Civil War but my memory has not been the greatest lately.
We all are seeing many states amusing their powers during this Pandemic, do not the Bill of Rights apply to them too? Can these Protections also apply/protect us against these companies who have become their own god?
Can someone clarify a statement I saw someone say that said the Bill of Rights only applies to the Federal Government and not the State governments
That statement is not true. Federal law supersedes state law. Our Bill of Rights is part of the Constitution. No law in this land can nullify it. That is what the Supreme Court's job is, to decide if any law/regulation is void due to the Constitution.

From Article VI:
"...This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding...."

And the 10th Amendment:
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
I think its time we start silencing and censoring liberals here and elsewhere.
After all, they are the greatest threat to our nation and democracy. They are all Nazi's and the cause of most of the violence in the country.
Its time we purge them and cleanse America of their movement..

NOT Parody
CNN calls for removing FOX, OAN and NewsMax from cable TV
Analysis: TV providers should not escape scrutiny for distributing disinformation
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The 4 Tenets of Progressive Liberal Democrats

1- Hypocrisy- Lying as a way of life
2- No Personal Responsibility
3- Lack of accountability
4- More Free Shit
Here is a comment from TGP that I agree with wholeheartedly...


Yes. And we have a lot of it right here on TGP too. REMEMBER: Nothing wrong with calling for Constitutional Action, but beyond that is No Man's Land and even "liking" can be a problem. That's if there is even a single honest court left in the land. Highly doubtful. Be alert. Do not get drawn in. We're all here typing because we do not think GUNNIN UP AND MAKIN STUFF HAPPEN is the right way or will even be successful. Right? Events on The Left will show us what we need to know and how to respond. But until then, and really has any of your lives been personally materially affected yet - from October to today by anything playing out on The National Stage (yep, stage)? No.
Don't get drawn in to a gunfight until the other guy shoots first ;)
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I’m sure you‘ll enjoy your socialist stimulus check. I guess you also support the last four years of corporate socialism that has been happening under trump. Socialism isn’t the problem. Lazy corrupt politicians are the problem.

Actually, $600 isn't shit to most of us. It's not like we have a way to prevent the check from going into our accounts. How can one really enjoy a whopping $600? That's enough for what? 1 month of groceries? A computer chair? A laptop? LOL Pull your head out of the sand chump. TENS of MILLIONS of $ went to stupid shit like gays in the middle east and counting fish in the does that have to do with COVID? And the American people without jobs got a whopping $600? Go look up what Canadians are getting in their checks. Your responses are a joke.

Also, the past 4 years of "socialism" was the work of greedy ass corporate America. Corps with a certain amount of employees got $x amount to distribute to them. Unfortunately these fat pigs with Incs put themselves on the payroll and pocketed the shit. Regardless, the economy soared, unemployment for all ethnic groups dropped, Americans were finally being taken care of. wtf rock have you been under? You should cancel your CNN subscription and join the real world.

Whoops, one last edit. You did get thing right. Lazy corrupt politicians ARE the problem. That's why President Trump is the most popular human and person in the world and has gotten more LEGAL votes than any US President has or ever will, and why his policies were amazingly successful. He is not a politician at heart, he is true hearted American citizen that had the ability to secure a political role. That is why 70 million Americans supported him, he IS one of us. We are NOT the minority.
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