Here's the thing. Everything today gets to us via the internet, cable TV, SATRAD, or OTA TV/radio. Newspapers are a thing of the past. The only ones I ever see are the shit they through on my lawn with ads in it. SATRAD, cable TV and OTA TV/radio is already controlled by the FCC and big tech owns the stations and networks. So that leaves the internet as your only way to get information other than word of mouth.
It is easy for an internet provider to monitor your online footprint, block sites, and filter your content. Case in point: if you attempt to get in on the CPM 1911 sales and list an email, you will never get your RGN because that internet provider blocks emails from CMP. From the CMP 1911 website: "...We have discovered that some .gov, .edu, .mil,, and some other email address will not accept emails from CMP 1911, they are kicked backed as “blocked” or “undeliverable..."
So all this posturing about using some other browser or some other social media outlet is moot. That interview that Carlson Tucker did with the lady from Parler was very telling. She was not that concerned about Apple or Google shutting down the app. She was more worried that Google would stop renting her the servers. Without that infrastructure none of these entities can function.
We are truly fucked.