US Elections (& Politics) :)

Read This. Please
This is how the NAZI scum Democrats will finally destroy whats left of this once great nation. I hope every fucking one of you Democrats rot in Hell.

If You Thought The 2020 Elections Were Chaotic, Just Wait | ZeroHedge

They made it clear your vote no longer matters this past "election”. Now they intend to codify it. Your government is too corrupt to be taken at its word ever again.
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Lets not EVER forget the POS's that turned, well, they were never really Republicans regardless. But they are certainly traitors America, to Americans and to the Constitution and the Laws that govern our great nation. I hope they pay dearly for their acts....

The Senate voted to move ahead with the historic impeachment trial, despite some Republican concerns that impeaching a president already out of office would be unconstitutional. The vote was 56-44.

The six Republicans who joined with the Democrats on voting to continue the trial were:

Susan Collins of Maine,
Bill Cassidy of Louisiana,
Lisa Murkowski of Alaska,
Mitt Romney of Utah,
Ben Sasse of Nebraska,
Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania.
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So I know this may be a little off topic, and probably wayyyy too soon to analyze. However, given this example of leadership, as well as the calling of the Guard home after being disrespected in DC (dildo central), not to mention his other acts to look out for his state and to follow the Constitution, I wonder what Gov. Abbott’s political goals are? Is it possible that we could see him emerge shortly before 2024 as a candidate to knock ole sleepy and his Hoover vacuum cleaner off their thrones?

I am so proud to have been born, raised and to have FINALLY returned to my BELOVED state of TEXAS!!! I absolutely admire Sen. Ted Cruz and I do hope that Gov. Abbot considers throwing his hat in for 2024. I think he has a lot to offer.

One of the best Patriots. Great pick but We need Ron deSantis to protect Florida from left.
DeSantis is awesome, but I agree, hoping he will stay in Florida to protect the southeast.
There are still quite a few actual good conservatives in the party to pick from, but there is another dark cloud I see on the horizon. It seems like when an administration is formed pulling governors and people from the senate and house, it leaves a void. A void that the republicans have failed to shore up. Again, I think the party has done a poor job planning for the future in building up candidates. Oh, for the near future, they may be good, but they have failed to groom individuals for races further down the road. One thing I will say; I detest them, but the demons have done a better job out working and building candidates for long into the future. They’re not necessarily concentrating just on 2022 and 2024; I can bet they are working already locally to put people in place for 2026 and further. Prime example here in Georgia with Abrams, warlock, and Ohsuck. Again, I’m probably way off base and reading too much into things, but that’s just my humble 0.02
More evidence to show why I hate my own state. Ran by a bunch of weak-kneed pansies that are bending the state over and letting the demons hammer away. This little pos is yet another in a long line of wastes.
I would love to move out of here to FL or TN, but I’m not engulfing myself in debt with this admin running the economy.
More evidence to show why I hate my own state. Ran by a bunch of weak-kneed pansies that are bending the state over and letting the demons hammer away. This little pos is yet another in a long line of wastes.
I would love to move out of here to FL or TN, but I’m not engulfing myself in debt with this admin running the economy.
Thats a good move, ppl like my family have been stuck in Chicago due to business for years, we can move but losing the business would cost us a lot. leave before it turns to a sheet show. so you do not end up paying for a kid of high school drop out or ppl with back career who can't pay for themselves.

one thing that bothers me is that ppl take loans to study a field which you know won't get them a job that can pay their loans back. this is a world we leave in to support useless ppl's dreams.