US Elections (& Politics) :)

Remember, it is not just "Cancel Culture" it is "Leftist Cancel Culture". Call it what it is. Describe it correctly. Or maybe more correctly " Democrat Cancel Culture".
Go look at Wikipedia defining cancel culture the real meaning is missing.
We need to start pinning the tail on the donkey.
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Administration officials are claiming they have no choice but to release undocumented migrants into the country.
This really pisses me off. 'No choice'? There is always a choice. One may not like the choices one has, but there is always more than one way to respond. Like don't let them in to begin with, or send them back to where ever they came from.

Plus I really have an issue with the term 'undocumented migrants'. A migrant is someone who travels/migrates. They go from their home to somewhere else, like a place to work. Then they move back or go somewhere else. They keep it up their entire life. Like how some folks follow the animals in the Serengeti or follow the harvest picking crops. People that go from their home country to another one are not 'migrants', they are 'expatriates', or 'invaders'.
Try four months, not years.
Photo of Biden in 4 years....
They should have aged her too.

Realistically, the aging of our presidents while in office is quite real. Just look at the tole it takes on them. The only one that did not seem to age was Trump. Now he was already dyeing his hair when he was elected, so one can't judge the aging by his hair.

January 2017 and January 2021
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Remember, it is not just "Cancel Culture" it is "Leftist Cancel Culture". Call it what it is. Describe it correctly. Or maybe more correctly " Democrat Cancel Culture".
Go look at Wikipedia defining cancel culture the real meaning is missing.
We need to start pinning the tail on the donkey.
It's is defined as a good thing...
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I can not describe how excited I am that this forum is not liberal or at least allows this thread and these discussions.

You might want to check out this thread as well -
Just a daily reminder that the FBI is corrupt to the core.

EXCLUSIVE UPDATE: New Information -- FBI Took Possession of Suspicious Ballots in Georgia in Early January and Ordered Them Destroyed With a Shredder

The Gateway Pundit reported on January 9th that the FBI in Georgia stepped in and shut down the forensic analysis of shredded ballots, took the ballots away from the forensic team, and brought them back to the shredder to destroy the evidence.


And this

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And this
I read that piece. I am sure that she was arrested and probably was done in a no-knock warrant to be able to break down the door. But I think she is way over exaggerating when she says " But there were literally twenty guys with guns blazing, [and they] broke down my door,” Gold said." Guns blazing? Nobody shot though? I would think if someone was hit, she would have mentioned that. So the guns blazing part just can't be correct.

Every time someone exaggerates, or makes stuff up, it hurts the cause.
The above two posts sadden me beyond what you know. I have been a huge supporter of LE all my life.
I hear you and I understand that and feel the same way BUT....

Lately I have been careful to not put the FBI of the last 12 years in the same league as most LE folks throughout the USA....the FBI during that period couldn't carry most LE's lunch and I don't want to elevate the FBI in any way; that would be an insult to the many dedicated, honest, trustworthy, and UNBIASED LE men & women that put their lives on the line every day.