US Elections (& Politics) :)

Numerous reports of massive military build up by Russia for invasion of the Ukraine.. all on Biden's watch

Doubt Russia would do this if the USA had a stronger President.

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Land Troops

Ships from the Baltic even..

Been watching this for the past month for obvious reasons. Russia knows the clown in the White House is a weak puss just like 44 was. I remember the first month in office (on the apology tour), Putin backed 44 down and kept him from installing missile defense systems (close to Poland I believe; probably wrong on that one). Right after the back down, Putin installed his own missile defense systems in the area.
No telling how long it will be before we head over to act as a police force, probably under nato again.
Let's see....President Trump urged his supporters to go to the Capitol and peacefully exercise their free speech rights and got impeached for it. Maxine Waters urges MLB/Antifa to "get more confrontational" when their standard is to smash and burn, but that's OK just ask Senile Nancy.
If I were her escort I would drive her to the border...:)

Knowing that these people tend to eat their own, if I were in her escort... when she started her drivel, I'd have simply left (along with all my colleagues). Let her see how lack of police and/or a security detail (with guns) works out for her. But... that's just me...
It's good to hear someone publicly saying this. We can only hope some of those people he's talking about listen, don't vote stupid:

Maybe y'all have already seen this but it's new to me (wife just sent it to me):

How's this one for journalistic integrity? The story that's linked to has a different headline and a picture of Biden instead of Trump. Yahoo "news" is nothing more that pure democratic party propaganda.

I remember this movie...
"Joe, Here is your launch box. if you want to blow up Russia, press the right button. Do not push the left button, or you will blow us all up. So, lets repeat this one more time. What button will you push?"
"I am Joe."
"Yes you are. Now, focus. What button will you push?". Joe points to the button.
"Noooo! Do we have some glue here to block the left button?"

"Thanks George Floyd".

How long until one of these idiots pushes for a national holiday? George Floyd Day. What a hero.

Give me a break. Just think if Trump had mouthed off about a case like maxine water-of-space waters ; you can bet your bottom dollar that the case would have been declared a mistrial and completely thrown out.