Hahahahaha, hook, line SINKER...we got us another one...Supply/Demand LMAOYou must have slept through economics class. Supply and demand. The easy stuff to learn.
The Increase has ZERO to do with Demand, it has 100% to do with new measures companies are having to take to deal with the new un-American increase in Taxes and Restrictions from our Dementia stricken president...

The Biden administration, citing climate change, halted oil and gas lease sales in January. Now, what?
Thirteen Republican-leaning states sued the Biden administration Wednesday to end a suspension of new oil and gas leases on federal land and water.
New Carbon Market Pays Southern Pine-Growers Not to Cut
Microsoft, Royal Dutch Shell and other companies are paying timberland owners to keep trees standing in an effort to offset emissions.
Above is also confirmed by an Executive our family knows at a major US Based Oil Company, since our country was inserted back into the Disastrous Paris Climate Deal and due to the present Clueless administration's new restrictions, stopping oil companies from leasing Federal land to lower emissions (carbon footprint), many Oil companies are now paying farmers and private land owners Not to cut down trees to lower their companies carbon footprints. The West coast fires do have a part in this shortage too but this is nothing new, fires happen yearly. So Again the Increases have ZERO to do with Demand and EVERYTHING to do with the Extremely Bad Decision making by our new Dementia based administration, causing the Supply shortage...
Funny but this news is not from a conservative source...Sorry, I am not as "Woke" as you

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