US Elections (& Politics) :)

Ha, ha. What did they think was going to happen? Shit like this just amazes me.....

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Not unlike peeing in your own swimming pool or burning down your own neighborhood........just an excuse to steal, cheat, plunger, riot <insert more destructive behaviors here, ad nauseam >. :confused:
Ha, ha. What did they think was going to happen? Shit like this just amazes me.....

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Around here, we just say, "That's Detroit, what do you expect?".

Another is the Detroit Public Schools Teacher Union that successfully bargained for $2000 in hazard pay for all the teachers returning to work. HECK, if it's that dangerous then "what about the children?"...
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It's amazing how they are comparing it to 9/11 and Pearl Harbor. Shameful. They are also saying it's the worst attack on Washington since 1812. Typical Democrats rewriting history. Seems like they forgot the attack in 1954 where 5 congressmen were shot. Cry me a river Kinsinger. I can't believe he claimed to be part of the Teaparty movement.
Merriam-Webster, the definition of a reporter is: "a person employed by a newspaper, magazine, or television company to gather and report news"

Then we have this "reporter" that comes up with: New York Times reporter Katie Benner said the quiet part out loud yesterday. Benner wants the regime to label Trump supporters “enemies of the state” to combat “national security threats.”

Question, is this "reporter" reporting the news, or is this "reporter" composing the news?
If the 'squad' wasn't so damn dangerous and delusional, I would laugh. But its not funny....

"Where's Mom?" :rolleyes:

What freakin' joke he is.

MSM: "oh, it's just ole Joe" :facepalm:

Didn't his mother pass in 2010? (And Jill’s mother passed in 2008, so don’t even go there libtards)

Of course the Democrat base will think she's at home, because he said so

"Mommy are you out there?"

Someone needs to hack his earpiece/teleprompter since he just repeats what he thinks he hears/reads, hahaha...
The root cause of "migration" is the Party in control in the sewer of DC, period, end of story. Look in the mirror Komrada you idiot!

It's truly interesting that a Canadian citizen, or citizens of many other countries, with a visa, CCP Virus test and/or vaccination, can't legally enter the US but if they fly to Mexico and walk across the Rio Grande they are welcomed with open arms. When will the rest of the country wake up to this hypocrisy and insanity?
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Sidney Powell's Defending The Republic <>


July 28, 2021

News You Can Use


Dear Patriots,

The news is pouring out. Not in the Fake News but all over the many other ways real news is seeping into the mainstream.
Here is a quick list of items we would like for you to know about and to share.

It's only a click away

1 -
President Trump covered all the bases in a speech over the weekend. It is fun to hear this as there is NO OTHER leader on the right talking like this. Or even talking.(Red State)

2 - This video of a RINO being booed off the stage proves that the grassroots are not buying the RNC line. - (Populist Press)

3 - Americans are no longer optimistic. While this is sad, it is also good in that people are paying attention and GET what is happening. (Powerline)

4 - Kids find they can fake a Covid-CCP test with...soda pop, to get out of school. (Western Journal)

5 - Over 25,900 members of "The COVID 19 Vaccine Victims & Families Group", a private Facebook group, detail the horrific health abnormalities they have suffered, including strokes, blood clots, excessive bleeding, heart palpitations, needle-like pain in their limbs and paralysis, after receiving Moderna, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca vaccines. (The Gateway Pundit)

6 - A rare bit of bravery by a Republican House member. Rep. Paul Gosar has introduced a bill to put a ten year moratorium on all immigration to the United States. (The Gateway Pundit)

7 - Where would we be today if the mainstream media was staffed with real reporters who knew what questions to ask? (The National Pulse)

8 - Nothing the Left is trying is managing to convince the people who do not want the jab that it is safe. This is frustrating the Left. Their tactics will get more severe. Eighty-one percent (81%) of Americans who have not received the vaccine yet say they will "probably" or "definitely" not get the shot. (Breitbart)

9 - Stunning new polling from USAToday on the views of residents of Detroit on the issue of crime. More proof that the political elites are not in line with the American people. (USAToday)

10 - Biden has dropped 6 job approval points in one month.Let us count the many reasons for this. (RED STATE)

11 - NFL star starts a website for people to tell their stories about how they have been injured by the Covid-CCP vaccines. (Children's Health Defense)

12 - There are over 80 people in jail with all their rights taken from them for going to a rally in Washington, DC. And yet, as more weird and horrible evidence of Hunter Biden's life is revealed, he is a free man in America. (USA Supreme)

13 - Millions of people in England, Australia, France and Italy have been pushing back on their draconian governments over Covid-CCP rules and forced vaccinations. The videos are stunning and not being shown in the Fake News. (Conservative Treehouse)

14 - The U.S. federal government should have stopped funding research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in 2015 when China reduced its cooperation with the French in building and operating the lab. (The Epoch Times)

Read. Inform yourselves. Know your rights. Keep fighting. Share information. Pray ceaselessly.

Hold Fast,
Sidney & Team Kraken




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This email was sent by Defending the Republic, located at 2911 Turtle Creek - Suite 300; Dallas, Texas 75219 (United States).
FYI, I'm still sharing news from Sidney Powell and Defending the Republic because it's my duty as a US citizen to insure good news is spread to all. You are all strongly encouraged to join and/or share items or even entire messages from Sidney and Team Kraken with your friends and acquaintances. We don't hear good news from the CCP media, and we won't until this battle is won. Mike Lyndell thinks that may be just on the horizon. I'm skeptical. But I'm ever hopeful the incredible will, intelligence, and most of all, resolve of the American people will NEVER falter. God bless America. Please.
FYI, I'm still sharing news from Sidney Powell and Defending the Republic because it's my duty as a US citizen to insure good news is spread to all. You are all strongly encouraged to join and/or share items or even entire messages from Sidney and Team Kraken with your friends and acquaintances. We don't hear good news from the CCP media, and we won't until this battle is won. Mike Lyndell thinks that may be just on the horizon. I'm skeptical. But I'm ever hopeful the incredible will, intelligence, and most of all, resolve of the American people will NEVER falter. God bless America. Please.
I can only afford so much, so my money went to Larry Elder :headbang: One can dream. But for me I think if he got in as Governor that it could affect a change on some on the left across the country as a whole.