US Elections (& Politics) :)

It goes deeper. Today CodemonkeyZ was reviewing a forensic image of a Demonion voting machine. In it he found a "de-hardening" batch script. (It's a Windows-based system.) The script applied an unknown Windows Group Policy file among other de-hardening steps.

The following quote is from Telegram, CodemonkeyZ's page:
Sky Net Platforms said:
I have a security+ certification and 23+ years in IT/IS professionally, 35 years total.

That screenshot CMZ posted is a script to disable security features on windows and apply an unsecure "group policy" to the windows system that 'dehardens" it (eg: removes security settings) — included is a setting that exposes remote logon and file sharing vulterabilities by removing certificate-validation (untrusted logon sources) for file-share, remote-desktop and remote administration (RPC). This setting is ONLY needed for network connected systems - and, the setting itself creates a system vulnerability highly targeted by hackers for remote exploits (rootkits, code execution, machine reconfiguration, file sharing access, etc) It then stops and starts sql server.

The group policy file referenced is unknown (eg: no sample provided by CMZ), but based on the script ffile comments it likely does other things that remove security features.
Apparently, mental health has been plaguing society for a quite a while now,

The gist of last night's Cyber Symposium with Mike Lindell:
Colorado AG is the only person holding passwords for Demonion voting machines.
Colorado AG accuses Mesa County staff of leaking those passwords to the public.
Uhhhh, if the CO AG is the only one with them, how the HELL is the Mesa County staff supposed to be able to leak them?

Just to add to the wrap-up smear, the Colorado AG raided the Mesa County election offices while they were en route to Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposium to speak out.
Don't be fooled by any shenanigans and charades. The Colorado AG is filthy dirty, and trying to frame Mesa County elections team.
Today Dr. Shiva has exposed the system of Censorship in our country:

These websites are overloaded right now with a lot of traffic since Dr. Shiva made the announced. He is still on right now to watch.
I just randomly ran across this 2020 results picture for the Oregon state legislature.


Looks like a red sweep, right? Actually, blue has the majority in both houses by a wide margin. Is it any wonder that the counties in the eastern 2/3 of the state are voting to switch over to Idaho? (Not that it will ever happen).
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more news from Defending the Republic later this morning.

Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposium has been QUITE ENLIGHTENING.
More people need to understand what happened, and who did it.
For now, they've shown it was entirely possible, and it did happen.
Network Analysts talking about the Lindell data.... Some of them may be going for the $5 million to disprove him.

Talking heads, paid to attack the truth. That's all they are. All words and bluster. No substance.

Demonion has been firmly focused on financially crippling anyone and everyone who questions them.
Having a pile of cash from the Demoncraps and the CCP makes it VERY easy for them.
Having a bunch of media pundits who are corrupt as Hell makes it EVEN EASIER.
Throwing slander at individuals is another tactic they use.
August 11, 2021

Pray for the Truth to be revealed


Dear Patriots,

We begin today by asking that you pray specifically that the Truth will be revealed.
Pray that the blinders will be lifted from the eyes of all Americans to SEE the Truth.
And pray to protect those working to reveal the Truth.

1- If you are not watching the Cyber Symposium that is taking place live in South Dakota, you are missing a lot.
The symposium is being live-streamed and will run through Thursday. The information and optimism that is pouring out is not to be missed.
Mike Lindell is a unique American hero.

You can tune in here anytime and watch it.

... We are providing you numerous links because censorship is real. If these links do not connect - Keep Trying. Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposium is under contant attack from hackers. Someone does not want you to see the Truth.
(Defending the Republic)

2- Just as the Symposium started on Wednesday, Dominion announced it was adding to it's long list of people they are suing for billions.
Newsmax and OAN were named, just as both news operations were in South Dakota to live stream the event.

3- Watch this video to get the whole election fraud story. Pass it on to everyone you can. The left does NOT want you to watch this!

And just in case the video disappears, here is another place you can watch it.

4- This is an example of why we can not trust ANYONE in The Swamp. Do you think this man will be remotely fair and put American interests first?
(National Pulse)
Dem Congressman Leading Election Reforms Has 6-Figure Investments In Chinese Communist Espionage-Linked Firms.
QUOTE: Rep. Jim Langevin (RI-2) – a Democratic Party Congressman leading his party's so-called 'election security reforms' – retains six-figure investments in a Chinese Communist Party-linked tech firm flagged by the U.S. State Department for aiding the regime's military and espionage capabilities, The National Pulse can reveal.

The Biden-endorsing Congressman serves as co-chair and co-founder of the Congressional Cybersecurity Caucus, a subcommittee of the House Committee on Homeland Security. He was tapped for the Democrat's Congressional Task Force on Election Security in 2017.

5- This is a little good news for a lot of people in the airline business. We can hope this is the beginning of a trend.
(New York Post)
American, Delta and Southwest Airlines won't make workers get COVID vax
Three of America's most popular airlines — American, Delta, and Southwest — will not institute a COVID-19 vaccine mandate for their employees as the controversy over whether to require workers to get jabbed roils businesses across the country.
6- Big Tech is on an all points blitz to remove any content that does not parrot the globalst elites talking points. They are terrified that people will learn the Truth.
(Jonathan Turley)

YouTube Censors Sen. Rand Paul for Speaking Against Mandates

YouTube has continued to enforce and expand its censorship of opposing views on its site — enforcing what it considers to be the truth on various issues. The latest subject is Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), who has been suspended from the site for expressing his opposition to Covid mandates.
One does not have to agree with Paul on his view of Covid or mandates to see the danger of such corporate control over public discourse in the United States. However, politicians (including President Joe Biden) are calling for even greater censorship to silence those with opposing views on such subjects.7- While we have many great doctors who are standing up to the push for vaccines and masks, overall, most of our health community is silent.That is why this video is so refreshing. Please watch and share.
(Populist Press)
QUOTE: On Monday, the Mt Vernon School Board met for a meeting to discuss the new school year's Covid restrictions on the children.

It didn't go as planned when a parent in the crowd, Dr. Dan Stock, gave the best argument against the board's draconian rules using his immense amount of knowledge, taking the board to school with a lesson they needed to hear.

Another source. (You Tube)
8-Clay Travis is a father. He is also part of the radio duo who is in the former Rush Limbaugh time slot. But, in this video he is just a daddy who is standing up protecting his children. This is what all parents need to be doing.

We have pledged to keep you up to date on legal issues we are involved in. Here is a Team Kraken attorney summary of a recent ruling that is good news for the January 6 political prisoners:

The US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia has rejected the efforts by the DOJ and a federal court to imprison pretrial the January 6 defendant with no past felony history and no ties to extremist groups.

In this ruling, the DC Court of Appeals held that the the lower court improperly denied bond to January 6 defendant George Tanio, and that Mr. Tanio should be allowed pretrial release. Importantly, the Court noted that Mr. Tanios had been involved in "no post-January 6 criminal behavior that would otherwise show him to pose a danger to the community."

This is a victory for the rights of the accused and sends a message to federal district courts and to the DOJ that their attempts to suppress the Constitutional rights of the January 6 defendants will not be tolerated.

We have given you a lot to do in this newsletter.
We are serious in our urgent requests to Pray, Read, Watch, Listen and Share information.

Hold Fast,
Sidney & Team Kraken

Have you missed a newsletter or wish to revisit a past newsletter? They are archived HERE ... Enjoy!
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This email was sent by Defending the Republic, located at 2911 Turtle Creek - Suite 300; Dallas, Texas 75219 (United States).
Please read the previous post carefully and thoroughly. Defending the Republic, Mike Lindell, and Lin Wood are FIGHTING FOR OUR COUNTRY and FIGHTING FOR OUR WAY OF LIFE. Literally, this is all about OUR FREEDOM and OUR LIBERTY.

With that in mind, what follows is from
It's a documentary showing what's happening.
It will help you understand current events in more depth. said:

Our right to vote in a fair and free election is the most basic of our civil rights and paramount to maintaining a free and thriving Constitutional Republic. The November 2020 election called into question the integrity of our election system. Tens of thousands of Americans stepped forward with serious concerns and raised their voices with evidence of irregularities that many courts refused to hear. Despite rejection by the courts, Americans continued to demand election transparency. Earlier this year, the first true forensic audit began in Arizona and similar audits are gaining a great deal of momentum in other states as election integrity surges to the top of the issues on the minds of the voting public.

To this end, I am sharing a free access link to watch The "Deep Rig," a documentary recently released by my friend and colleague Patrick Byrne, former CEO of Overstock and President and CEO of The America Project. The documentary chronicles some of the most important questions arising as a result of the apparent irregularities of the 2020 election. I am proud to be a member of The America Project, an organization helping to build a network of like-minded Patriots who are focused on fighting for American values.

I encourage you to watch The “The Deep Rig” and share the link with others. It is important to stay informed as to how our nation arrived at this unfortunate but critical moment in history. Upon login, you will be asked to provide contact information for The America Project’s mailing list and to consider a donation. Please know there is no obligation for either. I thank you in advance taking the time to watch the documentary.

Please click the link to view The “The Deep Rig,”
Start :: The Deep Rig Movie

All the best,

Joseph J. Flynn
Board Member
The America Project and America’s Future