US Elections (& Politics) :)

Freakin' eerie

You know most forget in 2001 there were no Smart phones with everyone videoing everything, that is why there was not as much footage as we all would of liked to have seen.

Hard to believe it was 20 years ago...
You know most forget in 2001 there were no Smart phones with everyone videoing everything, that is why there was not as much footage as we all would of liked to have seen.

Hard to believe it was 20 years ago...
This security officer died exactly 20 years ago trying to help others escape from the burning towers.

i am utterly shocked by how we were able to strike a deal with the terrorists
This is a great watch, so thankful Sean was able to get permission to put this will also see a message from Trump. One good place to start is at 28 minute mark, Honoring the Fallen 13

Day of Prayer for America - The National Mall - Washington, D.C. - Sean Feucht

Two of the LARGEST threats to our way of life, our Constitution and our Laws. Pathetic, really. You want to be afraid of some old, rich white men, well here they are!

Trump couldn't have said it better - by not rebuilding the Twin Towers the country showed its weakness and every year things get pretty dramatic; the new Twin Towers would have been built stronger (with a concrete core) and higher and would have shown the level of strength and resolve. The new World Trade Center shows renewal but both old and new designs would have equally paid respect to the fallen. Ever since 2001, there have been opinions, that the country has only become more divided and exacerbated by poor decision making by elected officials :(

More factual than fake news

Biden couldn't speak because he can't speak in the first place; he is pre-scripted :facepalm:
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And HOPE lingers on with Americans....HOPEFULLY THEY are waking up!

I put this here, because THIS is all about losing our freedoms and having a CHOICE! (why it's not in the pandemic thread)


Had to throw this in here as well...

Given the "expertise" displayed so far by the Surgeon General in his area of "expertise", his legal opinions sure do carry a lot of weight (NOT).