US Elections (& Politics) :)

once a pos, always a pos

Donald Trump hijacked White House staff photographer Shealah Craighead’s book deal by taking her images and publishing them in a book of his own, the New York Times reported Thursday.

Published in December, “Our Journey Together” makes Trump the first former president to attempt to personally profit from a White House photographer’s planned book.

Since Ronald Reagan, it has been tradition for the official White House photographer to publish a book of their most notable images of the president under which they served.

According to the article, Craighead had already secured a publishing deal – including a six-figure advance – when she notified the White House about the book. Trump had also agreed to write the forward, as is custom for presidents to do.

But her plan began to fall apart when Trump’s aides asked for a share of the profits for the forward and for helping promote the book. His team later asked her to delay publishing the book so that Trump could publish a book of his own using the work of Craighead and other White House photographers, for which he received a multimillion-dollar advance.

The book, which is retailing for up to $230 apiece, sold out its first 300,000 copies for an estimated gross of $20 million. It’s sold on the website of Winning Team Publishing, the company co-founded by Donald Trump Jr. and Republican campaign operative Sergio Gor.

“President Trump has always had an eye for beautiful and engaging curation, which came alive through the pages of his book,” said Trump spokesperson Taylor Budowich in a statement to the Times.

The Times also spoke to insiders who said that Trump would often insult Craighead and her photography skills in front of guests and other photographers.

The 317-page volume does not credit any of the photographers featured, including
For the past 6 years now Trump has been accused of everything from Russia collusion to good people on both sides and if I’m not mistaken all of the accusations have been false. So at this juncture, anyone trying to disparage his character is reaching for straws and crying wolf.
hmmm .. though choices ..

Choice between US as energy independent + mean tweets + book deal photos you mentioned VS US not energy independent + weak President whose family takes money from China's CCCP + weak Vice President + neo-marixist / crt support + higher taxes + ..
Come on, give the him a break, he’s been having a rough time, Maxine was yelling at him recently…

Maxine Waters Yells At Homeless People To ‘Go Home’

Maxine Waters Yells At Homeless People To ‘Go Home’ | The Daily Wire

Since Crime is a Hot Topic, sharing this here:

Hmm...anyone besides me see a pattern here? One that started several years ago but has gained momentum?
And along those lines, does anyone have any reports or videos of whites sucker-punching/assaulting blacks/people of color?
Just wondering....
Wonder if he was arrested? Or was Will Smith’s attorney his attorney?
The topic many are saying is what if it were a white guy hitting a black guy, we know the outcome would be a whiteboy lynching...
FBI uses Pegasus spyware to hack your cell phone

Imagine a computer program that can hack into your phone without requiring a single click on your end. It’s called a “zero-click” exploit. All they need is your number, and they’re in–undetectable until it’s self-destructed remotely. It’s not science fiction. It’s Pegasus.

More Affirmative Action promotions of non-qualified “woke” scum to high government positions.

The Democrats have a pedo problem
The Democrats have a pedo problem
By Todd Gregory and Erik Gregory

Progressives have a pedophilia problem. Full stop, as the Barack Obamas of the world might say. From CNN producers to Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) station chiefs and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) field agents; from the woke Disney corporation to Democrat donors; from Hollywood to the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA); from Facebook/Meta to the Lincoln Project to America's public school system — the progressive Left has a demonstrated prurient interest in underage children.

This is not guilt by association, innuendo, or conjecture; it is a firmly established fact pattern. And this is not to suggest that no Republicans have ever espoused or committed similar atrocities against children; extremely rare countervailing exceptions like Republican Dennis Hastert (who, unlike Democrats, was actually imprisoned in part for his crimes of child molestation) prove the rule that many Democrats have a strong affinity for pedophilia and the normalization of the same.
Empirically and factually, an overwhelming majority of public figures who are confirmed and aspiring pedophiles (along with pedo-friendly corporations like Disney) are progressive Democrats in terms of political orientation. All of this is hushed up by our progressive media, and thanks to progressive privilege, virtually nobody is ever prosecuted or punished.

Why is it never a national scandal when Democrats routinely prey on young children? Simple — because the progressive media protect Democrats far better than Rome's Praetorian guard ever protected any of the Caesars.........