US Elections (& Politics) :)

I guess he filled out the application to Annapolis while he was driving an 18 wheeler and the bouncing made it hard to write so the dates are wrong.
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Ssayer, I just always call this stuff out because we need to be careful and not go down the path of untruth.
Who puts the effort into the picture you posted? Russian, Dems wanting to frame Repubs, Chinese, etc.?
Conservatives need to call this stuff out immediately. The left has a ton of this stuff on TikTok and elsewhere against Conservatives.
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John Durham Just Exposed Adam Schiff’s Darkest Secrets, Putting Him Into Panic Mode

The John Durham probe appears to provide fresh details on a daily basis. Adam Schiff’s involvement in the Russia Collusion Hoax began in July of that year, according to new information. An email obtained by Durham reveals Schiff’s involvement with Fusion GPS and his distribution of false information regarding Carter Page.

I saw somewhere today that Shifty Schiff also visited Epstein Island 78 times. I haven't researched that, yet but it wouldn't surprise me in the least to find out it's true.