US Elections (& Politics) :)

My SPXU is finally getting traction though. Bought some at 16 and some at 12:75

Have an open Sell order at $25…… might raise it to 30:oops:

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June 10, 2022
Good News Friday

Dear Patriots,

As usual these days, there is a lot of news. Much of it is distressing.
Here is a collection of hopeful news for you to take into the weekend.


1- We alerted you to Defending The Republic suing the FDA for information on the Moderna vaccine earlier in the week. Here is more information.
We demand to have this information for the American people.
The National Pulse

FDA Sued Over Hiding Records From Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Approval

Defending the Republic, a Texas-based non-profit filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the Food and Drug Administration for refusing to turn over records related to the approval of Moderna's COVID-19 vaccines.

The group filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request seeking the production of records relating to the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) internal review process of Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine marketed as "Spikevax." Given that the forces impacting the FDA's decision to authorize the vaccine could have influenced Americans' decision on whether or not to get vaccinated against COVID-19, Defending the Republic requested expedited processing of relevant records.

"Please provide all data and information submitted by Moderna relating to the FDA review and approval of Spikevax. This includes, but is not limited to, all safety and effectiveness data and information; all data and information in the biological product file; and all ingredients," outlined the initial FOIA request.

On February 9th, less than a week after the initial FOIA was filed, the FDA refused the request for expedited processing, prompting Defending the Republic to appeal the decision.

"The FDA declined the appeal, leaving Defending the Republic with no choice but to file this action seeking a court order requiring the FDA produce the requested records on an expedited schedule— just as those who obtained a court order for the expedited production of records relating to the FDA approved Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine," explains a complaint filed by Defending the Republic.

Defending the Republic was especially interested in better understanding the review process for Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine, as data has shown its risk were not adequately explained to those receiving it and data surrounding its efficacy remains obscured. As Defending the Republic explains:

Despite the FDA's promises, a closer inspection of the Spikevax approval reveal there may be glaring issues in the approval process. The Spikevax package insert concedes "[a]vailable data on SPIKEVAX administered to pregnant women are insufficient to inform vaccine-associated risks in pregnancy."

And while the FDA publicly pronounced that the "data demonstrated that Spikevax was 93% effective in preventing COVID-19," the Spikevax fact sheet for recipients and caregivers provides important context omitted by the public officials: "The [Spikevax] duration of protection against COVID19 is currently unknown.

The lawsuit comes amidst several National Pulse exposés revealing how lobbyists from pharmaceutical companies including Moderna have entrenched themselves within Washington, D.C.


2- You may recall, almost a year ago, during the Covid-CCP hysteria, that many states rushed to open clinics to administer to those ill with Covid, monoclonal antibody infusions. This was a therapeutic that showed great promise in making people better and keeping them out of hospitals. Florida went all out to open clinics all over the state. Since this was not a part of the injection/vaccine culture pushed by the Biden Regime, the government quickly rationed this treatment until no one could get it.
Imagine the shock and the joy in the results of this small study that shows a similar treatment MAY cure rectal cancer.

The Epoch Times

Cancer Trial Using Monoclonal Antibody Finds Remission in Every Patient
A cancer trial has reportedly become the first in the world to completely remove the disease in every patient, according to a study published on June 5 in The New England Journal of Medicine.
The study, "PD-1 Blockade in Mismatch Repair—Deficient, Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer," was conducted among 12 rectal cancer patients, all of whom had a "clinical complete response," according to the authors, led by Dr. Andrea Cercek of the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York.

Doctors have been unable to see any evidence of tumors among the patients when using magnetic resonance imaging, fludeoxyglucose F 18 injections, physical examinations, or endoscopic evaluations, according to researchers.

The patients also continued to show no signs of cancer during follow-ups ranging from six months to 25 months and haven't had to undergo surgery or receive radiation and chemotherapy. "No adverse events of grade 3 or higher have been reported," the study authors noted.

Specifically, the rectal cancer patients were given dostarlimab, a monoclonal antibody, every three weeks for six months. The patients had mismatch repair-deficient stage two or three rectal adenocarcinomas, a type of cancer.

Typically, such cancer patients would have needed to undergo often debilitating treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery, and in extreme cases be fitted with colostomy bags. However, after taking dostarlimab, which is sold under the brand name Jemperli, no cases of progression or recurrence were reported in the patients who underwent the study.

Dr. Luis A. Diaz Jr. of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, author of the study, told The New York Times that he believes this is the "first time this has happened in the history of cancer."


3- We were pleasantly surprised to wake up Wednesday to the news that San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin had been yanked out of his Soros funded DA office after he made criminal activity in his city, legal. This resulted in mayhem, filth, death and despair; like all liberal policies eventually do.
It became so bleak that even the 94% Democrat voters living in the city of San Fransisco said, enough is enough.

To learn more about Mr. Boudin and his four parents, go here:
DA Candidate Chesa Boudin and His Four Parents' Terrorist Legacy

Fox News
Progressive San Francisco DA recalled by voters in one of nation's most liberal cities
Voters in San Francisco have chosen to recall embattled District Attorney Chesa Boudin following a recall effort centered on his handling of rising crime across the city.

San Francisco voted to recall Boudin with 61%, compared to 39% who wanted him to stay as the district attorney, according to results at the time the Associated Press called the race.

He faced an onslaught of criticism over his progressive criminal justice policies as those supporting his recall pointed to an increased murder rate, violent crime, shoplifting, burglaries, and an open-air drug trade as reasons to vote for his removal from office.


4- We pray that God gives these brave people the continued fortitude to stand with God and stand against this forced participation in the homosexual agenda.
Fox News

Several Rays players break from organization's Pride Night logos, citing religious reasons
Some Tampa Bay Rays players reportedly broke from the organization's support of the LGBTQ+ community Saturday during the team's Pride Night against the Chicago White Sox.
Most Rays players were wearing rainbow logos on their caps and sleeves. But the Tampa Bay Times noted that pitchers Jason Adam, Jalen Beeks, Brooks Raley, Jeffrey Springs and Ryan Thompson were among those who didn't wear the logos of support.

Adam made a statement on behalf of the players who opted out and cited religious beliefs.
"A lot of it comes down to faith, to like a faith-based decision. So it's a hard decision. Because, ultimately, we all said what we want is them to know that all are welcome and loved here," he said, via the Tampa Bay Times.
"But when we put it on our bodies, I think a lot of guys decided that it's just a lifestyle that maybe — not that they look down on anybody or think differently — it's just that maybe we don't want to encourage it if we believe in Jesus, who's encouraged us to live a lifestyle that would abstain from that behavior. Just like (Jesus) encourages me as a heterosexual male to abstain from sex outside of the confines of marriage. It's no different.


5- This victory did not happen in America, but we pray it spreads here.

America's Frontline Doctors

Major victory: Court rules airline cannot ask new pilots' vaccination status
The Amsterdam Court of Appeal has determined KLM airline is no longer allowed to ask new pilots about their Covid "vaccine" status. According to the judge, among other things, there was no operational necessity for such a decision. Nevertheless, the association of Dutch Airline Pilots (VNV) is pleased with the Court's decision and is celebrating its victory.
On Thursday, a judge declared that KLM would be fined 100,000 EUR per violation effective immediately. Thursday. In addition, the Court has immediately prohibited KLM from collecting and/or using Covid "vaccination" information in any way. In addition, the company is not allowed to reject candidates because they have not received the experimental mRNA injections.

The judge ruled that the infringement of the fundamental rights of candidates committed by KLM's conduct in the application procedure is disproportionate because KLM has not been able to demonstrate that there is an operational necessity.

6- There are reasons to continue to look at a real leader with sensible and workable solutions to problems. We point out the doings of the Governor of Florida often. The reason is he is a bright and shining example of hope for the entire country. Sadly, he is also a rarity.

Below are four reasons, just in the past week, to admire Gov. DeSantis: He protected athletes from the dangerous injection. He protected the 2nd Amendment. Unlike MOST elected Republicans, he called out Biden for his failures. He went head-on against George Soros.

DeSantis is not all-talk, unlike most Republicans. He gets results for the people he has sworn to represent.

The North State Journal

Special Olympics drops vaccine rule after $27M fine threat
The Special Olympics has dropped a coronavirus vaccine mandate for its games in Orlando after Florida moved to fine the organization $27.5 million for violating a state law against such rules.
Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis on Friday announced the organization had removed the requirement for its competition in the state, which is scheduled to run June 5 to June 12.The Florida health department notified the Special Olympics of the fine in a letter Thursday that said the organization would be fined $27.5 million for 5,500 violations of state law for requiring proof of coronavirus vaccination for attendees or participants.
Florida law bars businesses from requiring documentation of a COVID-19 vaccination.


The Daily Wire

DeSantis To Veto $35M Tampa Bay Rays Facility Over Team's Anti-Gun Statement
Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) plans to veto tens of millions of dollars that were earmarked for the Tampa Bay Rays after the team released an anti-Second Amendment statement following recent tragedies.The decision comes after the Rays published a statement last week saying that the tragedies "have shaken us to the core."The organization added that it was donating tens of thousands of dollars to far-left anti-Second Amendment organizations.



DeSantis puts 'Brandon' on blast for '100% intentional and man-made' economic crisis in America

At a signing of the Freedom First Budget, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis tore into President Joe Biden for the economic crisis now hitting already struggling Americans.
"We have to look at what we're doing against the backdrop of what's going on in Washington, D.C. and particularly, there's a fella by the name of 'Brandon' that people talk about that we have to contend with," he said, sparking laughter from those in attendance.
"I see this news report where Biden is so frustrated that his approval ratings are in the toilet," DeSantis continued. "He can't understand. He's lashing out at his staff. He's blaming other people. He's blaming the media, even though he gets the most sycophantic media coverage that any president has ever gotten. Compare how they treated Trump with how they treat Biden. It's night and day."
"And so, he's trying to make excuses," the governor said, "and I'm just thinking to myself, you know, what has he done since he came into office? "DeSantis launched into a damning list of Biden's failures, starting with his "war" on energy independence.

The Federalist Papers

DeSantis Announces Plan to 'Fight Against Socialism in America': Taking on George Soros 'On His Own Turf'

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is on the warpath against billionaire George Soros.Soros, a liberal donor and activist, just helped fund a left-wing radio network targeting Hispanic-Americans, Fox News reported.
DeSantis said in a statement to the outlet that the Hungarian-born businessman is trying to "manipulate" the media landscape in his state and push a "Marxist agenda on voters."
So the Republican governor's re-election campaign is hitting back at Soros.
By buying an ad on two Miami radio stations that are part of this new left-leaning radio network, DeSantis is warning voters about the media purchase and "leftist disinformation" as he continues the "fight against socialism in America," his campaign said.
"They are coming with their ideological agenda," the ad continues. "Soros and his minions know what this community represents in the fight against socialism in America. This community will not get confused. Under Gov. Ron DeSantis' leadership, Florida is standing against the corporate media and leftist disinformation."
DeSantis is set on fighting back against any media manipulation meant to influence voters in his state.


7- While we love Gov. DeSantis, we might be getting a crush on Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds. When she fell short of votes in the Republican legislature for her school choice initiative earlier this year, she regrouped. She recruited and backed conservative primary challengers to run in seven state House races against Republican incumbents who opposed her school choice plan.
The major opponents were the state teachers unions and outside leftists who shoveled in money for the anti-school choice incumbents.
The school choicers won six out of seven races.

Iowa Starting Line

Reynolds Helps Oust Several Anti-Voucher Republicans In Primary

After her much-touted school voucher bill failed to gain traction in the Iowa Legislature this year, Gov. Kim Reynolds took her ire out at several fellow Republicans in the Iowa House who called out the bill as not being supportive of public schools and ensured it wouldn't pass.
It looks like Reynolds got her way in many of the Republican primary contests.
Her bill, Senate File 2369, would have diverted $55 million from public school budgets for up to 10,000 scholarships to pay for students to attend private schools.
Reynolds publicly began endorsing primary challengers to some of those legislators up for election this year, while out-of-state organizations that support vouchers have been pumping five-figure donations into their campaign coffers.


8- Unvaccinated people fare better and take care of themselves. But, they are victims of discrimination.
Children's Health Defense
Severe COVID 'Rare' in People Who Didn't Get Vaccine, Survey Reveals

A survey of 300,000 people who didn't get the COVID-19 vaccine revealed the unvaccinated didn't place a disproportionate burden on health systems — in fact, they experienced very low rates of hospitalization and severe COVID-19.There have been very few studies looking at how those who've elected to rely on natural immunity and natural products, as compared with those who've consented to COVID-19 genetic vaccines, the latter who may or may not have, also tried to optimize their immune systems, fare when it comes to COVID-19.
The survey data offer important revelations, including:

• The unvaccinated "control group" participants don't place a disproportionate burden on health systems — in fact, quite the opposite, they have experienced very low hospitalization rates and severe COVID-19 disease is rare.
• They are more likely to self-care, using natural products like vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc and quercetin.
• Many have used ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.
• Women have suffered menstrual and bleeding abnormalities despite being unvaccinated, possibly owing to spike protein exposure and shedding.
• Their mental health burden has been considerable, possibly aggravated by their stigmatization by the mainstream, "vaccinated" society.
• They have been heavily discriminated against because of their decision to exercise their right to informed consent and refuse the administration of "genetic vaccines."

9- You are not alone! And the group is getting larger.
Biden approval sinks to 22% among young adults, 24% among Hispanics: poll
Approval of President Biden's job performance slipped to just 33% in a poll released Wednesday by Quinnipiac University — as even key Democratic voting blocs such as young people and racial minorities give the president a big thumbs-down.
The survey, conducted June 3-6, found that 22% of Americans ages 18-34 approve of Biden's performance — the lowest rating of any age group. Just 24% of Hispanic voters and 49% of black voters said they approve of Biden's work.

Pray. Know. Share.
Hold Fast,

Defending The Republic

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To have confidence in the outcome of any election, we must continue to demand (1) real paper ballots, (2) hand counted in a bipartisan transparent process, and (3) citizen voter ID.
Missed a newsletter or to revisit a past newsletter? They are archived HERE .
NOTE: Defending The Republic, Inc. is a §501(c)(4) non-profit organization, gifts to which are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes.

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This email was sent by Defending The Republic, located at 2911 Turtle Creek - Suite 300; Dallas, Texas 75219 (United States).
No doubt about it, the 2020 election was the most secure in a pigs eye!

Just one example from the birthplace of our Republic also known as the City of Brotherly Love, a congressman and two judges -

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No doubt about it, the 202 election was the most secure in a pigs eye!

Just one example from the birthplace of our Republic also known as the City of Brotherly Love, a congressman and two judges -

And I should have also said "note which party all three are associated with".
OMG I am watching the putz in chief give his remarks about inflation...and of course he starts off by talking about the Show last night and how it was an insurrection and there are still dark forces out there that were part of this that are active. This FUCKING PUKE OF A MAN.
It's not just the FBI, DOJ, and Homeland Security.
The US Supreme Court is clearly corrupt.

I'm sorry, but didn't the conservative President Mr. DJT appoint Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney-Barrett ?!?
Why else in HELL would these supposedly conservative judges support this decision?

Possibly because they've been bought off?
If they're actually afraid of people protesting outside their homes, they're not nearly as strong as we hoped.

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Did I mention the corrupt FBI and DOJ earlier? Oh yeah, I did.

“I Think We’re Going to Get Criminal Charges Against Wray and Garland…
THOUSANDS of Whistleblowers Are Blowing It Up” ” – Steve Bannon on Today’s War Room

Steve Bannon went off on the totally corrupt FBI and Justice Department today on The War Room. Steve Bannon was in rare form following the lies, smears and ommissions from last night’s primetime media-sanctioned show trial of President Donald Trump. Bannon revealed that “thousands” of FBI whistleblowers are finally coming forward. This is after years of lies and the FBI-led coup of President Trump.

Steve Bannon: I think we’re going to get criminal charges aginst Wray and Garland and all of those hacks over there… (Rep.) Gates was on yesterday. They’re inundated with whistleblowers from the FBI. Patriots, hard-working patriots are blowing these guys up. Thousands of whistleblowers. Thousands. .. on the maleficence and politicalizatoin of the America gestapo, the FBI. I don’t care if the FBI don’t like it. You’re a gestapo, you’re an American gestapo. You’re going to be taken apart brick by brick. Whether we need a federal agency like that, that’s for people to decide. But you are going to be deconstructed. Because the rot that you have, and we should have done it after 9-11, let’s be honest…

… and we don’t laugh in your face cause we laugh in your face. Let me reiterate this. Donald J. Trump won the Presidency again on the 3rd of November of 2020. And Marc Elias and all you guys, and let’s leave the machines aside as a topic for another day but side that our intelligence can be hacked six ways from Sunday, that’s DHS. Donald J. Trump won the Presidency.”

So there is a brand new ice cream shop that is having a big debut and has been advertising for employees for the past few weeks.
Yesterday was their big interview day and they were holding interviews all afternoon.

Our daughter just turned 14 and has been wanting a job to supplement her small farm she started two years ago.
So my mom took her in for a interview. When I got home I asked her how it went and she said it went good. They asked her about herself and she told them she lives on a farm and has a small offshoot farm off of our farm.
Then she said, “Dad, Mom, you wouldn’t believe how all the other girls were dressed for their interviews. They looked disgraceful.”

Later in the evening my mom called and asked what our daughter had to say. Then she commented on how every other girl that was there looked like they were going out for a night at the local bar and asking to hook up. She said it was a absolute disgrace, especially seeing that every other girl there was probably 15-18…….

Needless to say, my wife got a phone call at 7 this morning saying our daughter is hired and she starts training next week.

I’m sorry, I wasn’t there to witness this all, but why would a parent bring their child into a interview dressed like a slut?

I’m excited for our daughter, because with a good work ethic I know she is going to go places. But I am scared for her seeing she’ll have to more than likely have to work with people with the complete opposite mentality she was raised with.
Our country is so screwed
One last thing before I stop posting for the night:

Remember it is your obligation to get out and vote in every primary, every run-off, every referendum, ANY election in your area.
Do not let anyone convince you your vote is worthless and going to vote is useless.
If you believe their lies, then they win and we lose.