US Elections (& Politics) :)


Getting comfortable
Oct 18, 2021
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Straight Outta Mayberry
And the leftists that cheer this on are so damn stupid and sheeple-like they don't realize this same process can be let loose onto ANYONE that does not lock-step with the current WH Admin, the DOJ and the FBI.

The issue is that the DOJ, the FBI, and many government groups are so ingrained with liberal sleeper cells that it will be almost impossible to bring it back to the middle or even conservative without completely replacing them all. Spanish Inquisition you say.......queue Monty Python.

I've said this many times and I'll say it again. The United States is following the exact path as the 3rd century Roman Empire.


Getting comfortable
Oct 18, 2021
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Straight Outta Mayberry
Sadly people will only react when it starts to affect them. ( NIMBY's) But unless the uprising happens exponentially, the Titanic will still sink. The left is playing Whack-A-Mole and it's easy for them to take out a few at a time and over time nothing will happen to reverse what they are doing to this country. 95% talk a big game, but that's all they will ever do.

The left is 5 steps ahead of the conservatives, that is why conservatives are always in reactionary mode and not playing offensively. Conservatives sometimes get the ball rolling but they fail to continue the full court press. It's like a cat running into a room and then, when it gets there it thinks, what do I do now. They are so proud of their one accomplishment, that they lose focus.


Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
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All joking aside, I don't think this has ever been done in the history of our country. If it has, I do not ever remember hearing it. This is utter and complete bullshit. I don't wear foil hats, but I know when shit isn't right...and this is far from it! This ride is about to get really turbulent folks. My question is, who ordered this? Butthead Biden doesn't have enough of his brains left to do this. I wonder...... This is complete and utter bullshit folks. THIS can go south very, very quickly!


Known around here
Sep 17, 2021
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Tennessee USA
what is most important to the biden crime family is getting a certain type of people to run the country. Not getting gasoline to under $3 a gallon in California like Trump did.
View attachment 135965
They say garlic repels vampires. I bet I know what repels that thing......lead.
Dec 6, 2014
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South Dakota
The issue is that the DOJ, the FBI, and many government groups are so ingrained with liberal sleeper cells that it will be almost impossible to bring it back to the middle or even conservative without completely replacing them all. Spanish Inquisition you say.......queue Monty Python.

I've said this many times and I'll say it again. The United States is following the exact path as the 3rd century Roman Empire.
I don't want them to be Liberal or Conservative--- I want them to be unbiased and (most importantly) CONSTITUTIONAL.
When FBI and DOJ went into court and LIED to a FISA judge to initiate SPYING on the Trump campaign, that fucking house of cards needed to come down hard right then. the Judicial branch should have gone 100% fucking berserk over a federal (executive branch) agency LYING TO THEM IN PURSUIT OF POLITICAL GOALS. WTF! Something is HORRIBLY WRONG that this bullshit is happening.


Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
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The country's beaches are eroding away as well as its basic infrastructure and its core values


Getting comfortable
Oct 18, 2021
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Straight Outta Mayberry
I don't want them to be Liberal or Conservative--- I want them to be unbiased and (most importantly) CONSTITUTIONAL.
When FBI and DOJ went into court and LIED to a FISA judge to initiate SPYING on the Trump campaign, that fucking house of cards needed to come down hard right then. the Judicial branch should have gone 100% fucking berserk over a federal (executive branch) agency LYING TO THEM IN PURSUIT OF POLITICAL GOALS. WTF! Something is HORRIBLY WRONG that this bullshit is happening.
You will have to undo what President Wilson did in order for your points to be valid.


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Sep 5, 2016
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LOOK Squirrel!

The Government is Hiding a Dark Secret About the Economy | ZeroHedge

By Graham Summers, MBA
July’s jobs numbers were amazing. And this is great news!
Or it would be… if the jobs numbers were remotely accurate.

According to the headlines, the U.S. added 528,000 jobs last month. Unfortunately, most if not all of these “jobs” were created in a spreadsheet, not the real economy.
Let’s dive in.

The most obvious issue concerns “seasonal adjustments.” You see, job growth isn’t spread out consistently throughout the calendar year. Some months typically see greater job growth than others. For example, the Retail and Hospitality industries typically see tremendous job growth during the holidays (November through January), and minimal job growth in other times of the year.

The problem here, is that this is going to make some months look great and others look no so good. So the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) tries to get around this with “seasonal adjustments” which are meant to kind of average out the job creation throughout the year.
However, in reality these seasonal adjustments are just gimmick the BLS uses to fake the numbers… particularly at a time when the BLS is under tremendous political pressure to make the economy look better than it really is.

Times like today.
As Bill King notes, the seasonable adjustments for July 2021, were NEGATIVE 65,000. And yet, for some reason, the seasonable adjustments for July 2022, were POSITIVE 287,000.

So right off the bat, there are 352,000 “jobs” (65,000+287,000= 352,000) that were created in a government spreadsheet, NOT the real economy.
This represents over HALF of the supposed jobs created in the month of July 2022!

Then there’s the “Birth/ Death” model.
Throughout the year, new companies are created while old companies go out of business. The BLS tries to get around this issue with its “Birth/ Death” which is meant to average out the numbers throughout the year.
In reality, this too is just another gimmick. And it created another 85,000 jobs last month.

So now we’re talking about 437,000 (352,000+85,000) FAKE jobs.
That’s 437,000 out of the total 528,000 jobs reported for the month of July. Put another way, 82% of the jobs everyone was cheering about were created with accounting gimmicks!

I wish I was done here, but I’m not.
The BLS actually publishes TWO jobs reports… the Household Survey and Non-Farm Payrolls. The Household Survey is based on surveys of actual people while the Non-Farm Payrolls is crafted in a spreadsheet using the gimmicks I’ve already outlined above.
Guess which one tends to be more accurate?

And here’s the zinger… since May of 2022, the Non-Farm Payrolls shows the economy creating nearly one million jobs (926,000 to be exact).
The Household Survey shows the economy has LOST 136,000 jobs over the same time period.
This is the dark secret the bean-counters are trying to hide: that since at last May the economy is LOSING more jobs than it is creating.

There’s a word for this: it’s recession.

Ignore Wall Street and the financial media. The real economy is already in a recession. And those investors who believe the official jobs numbers are being lead like sheeps to the slaughter.


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Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
What "context" makes this acceptable: Leviticus 25:44-46
44 “‘Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. 45 You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property. 46 You can bequeath them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life, but you must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly.
Read the whole book and put it into context with the times 1500 B.C.. You leave out the humane and fair treatment expected of all as written in Leviticus. In many ways slavery was the start of Capitalism. Capitalism works better than any other system as seen by the USA. But also, if you really read and put it all into context these rules were to "regulate" of sorts the Israelites, who were going against God will because of the inherent sin nature of man. God never wanted a man to have more than one wife, but the Israelites did it, God never wanted divorce, but again they did it. And then rules were written to regulate.

When you can organize a group of people, they produce better than a single person, and then things are better for all. Look at the hierarchy of the most successful companies in the world. Is there always someone at the top, the slaveholder so to speak?

What happened to the Israelites while in Egypt?

When a water main breaks in your street does one guy take the phone call and then that one guy shows up and do all the work? Or does a team of people show up, doing specified tasks, and many that you don't see in the background like those in the office coordinating the effort to fix the pipe.

What would happen to the world if every single person on earth just sat on their ass all day? Or if they adhered to qflyer mentality.."oh damn, do I really have to brush my teeth again today":rofl:
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Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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In Secret Court Hearing, Lawyer Objected to FBI Sifting Through NSA Data Like It Was Google

In her first appearance representing the American public before the top-secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in 2015, Amy Jeffress argued that the FBI is violating the Fourth Amendment by giving agents “virtually unrestricted” access to data from one of the NSA’s largest surveillance programs, which includes an untold amount of communications involving innocent Americans.

The NSA harvests data from major Internet companies like Facebook, Google and Apple without a warrant, because it is ostensibly “targeting” only foreigners. But the surveillance program sweeps up a large number of Americans’ communications as well. Then vast amounts of data from the program, including the Americans’ communications, are entered into a master database that a Justice Department lawyer at the 2015 hearing described as the “FBI’s ‘Google’ of its lawfully acquired information.”

The FBI routinely searches this database during ordinary criminal investigations — which gives them access to Americans’ communications without a warrant.

Jeffress, a former federal prosecutor now serving as an independent “friend of the court,” expressed frustration over the casualness with which the FBI is allowed to look through the data. “There need be no connection to foreign intelligence or national security, and that is the purpose of the collection,” she told Thomas Hogan, then the chief judge of the court. “So they’re overstepping, really, the purpose for which the information is collected.”


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
[BREAKING] U.S. productivity posts biggest ever annual drop in second quarter

Aug 9 (Reuters) - U.S. worker productivity in the second quarter fell at its steepest pace on an annual basis since 1948, the Labor Department said on Tuesday, while growth in unit labor costs accelerated, suggesting strong wage pressures will continue to help keep inflation elevated.

Nonfarm productivity, which measures hourly output per worker, fell at 2.5% pace from a year ago. It also declined sharply in the second quarter at a 4.6% annualized rate, after having declined by an upwardly revised7.4% in the first three months of the year, the report showed.

U.S. productivity posts biggest ever annual drop in second quarter | Reuters