US Elections (& Politics) :)

So they had to go judge shopping to get someone dumb enough to sign off on that warrant and they picked the bottom of the septic tank to find this guy.

More like one who had a price in mind...
FBI searched Melania’s wardrobe, spent hours in Trump’s private office during Mar-a-Lago raid

FBI agents scoured Melania Trump’s wardrobe and spent several hours combing through Donald Trump’s private office, breaking open his safe and rifling through drawers when they raided the former First Family’s Mar-a-Lago home in Florida Monday morning.

The Post has learned that the search warrant used by the FBI to enter the palatial Palm Beach property focused solely on presidential records and evidence of classified information being stored there.

A source close to the former president expressed concern that FBI agents or DOJ lawyers conducting the search could have “planted stuff” because they would not allow Trump’s attorneys inside the 128-room building to observe the operation, which lasted more than nine hours.

The raid by over 30 plain clothes agents from the Southern District of Florida and the FBI’s Washington Field Office extended through the Trump family’s entire 3,000-square-foot private quarters, as well as to a separate office and safe, and a locked basement storage room in which 15 cardboard boxes of material from the White House were stored.


In June, Corcoran granted access into Mar-a-Lago’s windowless storage room to FBI agents who spent several hours searching through the boxes. Trump stopped by the basement to say hello at one point, says someone who was there.

FBI even searched Melania's wardrobe in Trump raid (

My comment: I wonder if they took any souvenirs?
So they had to go judge shopping to get someone dumb enough to sign off on that warrant and they picked the bottom of the septic tank to find this guy.

The first rule of Epstein Club is you don't talk about Epstein Club. The second rule of Epstein Club is you don't talk about Epstein Club.
Often when Nazi's, liberal Democrat scum, and other authoritarian Regime's pull these type of public events, its because they want a distraction from something else.

Think hard on this that came out today and is being parroted verbatim across many outlets and "scientific" publications
Global warming could exacerbate over half of known human pathogens

If global warming "might" exacerbate roughly half of known human pathogens, it goes to reason that it would make the other half less dangerous.
They’re looking for more and bigger excuses to impose their decrees….Global warming makes all the nasty diseases worse, sooooo….
In Connecticut, 'Trump Won't Topple Themis Tuesday' (but Trump IS toppling Themis!)

"I think that the endorsement is a net positive for Leora, but probably too little and too late," said one Connecticut GOP consultant who requested anonymity. "His endorsement came Thursday night, so too late for any direct mail pieces to hit before Tuesday. Sure, she's been texting and pumping it through social media, but I do not think it will saturate enough to make enough of a difference.

"If this was a month ago, I'd be concerned if I was Themis, but at this point, I think it is probably too late."

Another factor working in Klarides' favor is that the endorsement of the state convention still packs a punch among Republicans who turn out for primaries. Only two Republicans running for statewide office in the past 36 years have won the May convention and lost the primary — Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton won the convention for governor in 2018 and lost to businessman Bob Stefanowski in the primary, and in 1986 State Sen. Dick Bozzuto won the convention but lost the primary to State Rep. Julie Belaga.

"Trump's endorsement might provide a bump with primary voters," said Frank Ricci, retired president of the New Haven Firefighters. "But not enough to overcome the record that Themis established over the years of fighting for lower taxes and smaller government. Trump won't topple Themis Tuesday."

In Connecticut, 'Trump Won't Topple Themis Tuesday' |

My comment: You have to love these consultants. By the way with 18% in, Leora Levy is leading Themis Klarides 51/37.
So much for the "wise" consultants.
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So they had to go judge shopping to get someone dumb enough to sign off on that warrant and they picked the bottom of the septic tank to find this guy.

He's not even a full District Court Judge...
In United States federal courts, magistrate judges are judges appointed to assist district court judges in the performance of their duties. Magistrate judges generally oversee first appearances of criminal defendants, set bail, and conduct other administrative duties.
You don’t suppose the Stasi that raided Trumps home planted listening devices do you? I mean just because they did it before at Trump Tower before he was inaugurated doesnt mean they’d do it again right?

And you wouldn't think after Russiagate with the false dossier they would create fake evidence to try and frame him would they?

You don’t suppose the Stasi that raided Trumps home planted listening devices do you? I mean just because they did it before at Trump Tower before he was inaugurated doesnt mean they’d do it again right?

And you wouldn't think after Russiagate with the false dossier they would create fake evidence to try and frame him would they?


There is plenty of talk about that. President Trump needs some people with very high tech devices to check for listening devices.
Gross, wtf is YouTube promoting?

Mate if you need to be told what she is on her knees for, then you have lead a sheltered and deprived life.

New York Post just released a interesting story: Judge that approved the raid on Trump previously was an attorney for Epstein's employees......

What does that mean to you exactly? Almost all judges were defence counsel in a former life before they got the call to the bench.

MUCH more on the “magistrate judge” who authorized the Trump Raid

I feel sorry for that Magistrate, and for that matter any Magistrate before whom any warrant related to this whole saga is placed. It will not matter how correct their decision is at law, one side or the other will claim that it wasn't, without any actual proof of malfeasance. It really is a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation.

That's not a longboard you land locked heathen.
Mate if you need to be told what she is on her knees for, then you have lead a sheltered and deprived life.

What does that mean to you exactly? Almost all judges were defence counsel in a former life before they got the call to the bench.

I feel sorry for that Magistrate, and for that matter any Magistrate before whom any warrant related to this whole saga is placed. It will not matter how correct their decision is at law, one side or the other will claim that it wasn't, without any actual proof of malfeasance. It really is a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation.

That's not a longboard you land locked heathen.

Have you read the article? He’s no choir boy. He’s dirty. Why, given the high profile raid that they knew would be front page news, would you pick this rather low level magistrate to issue the search order? They had at the very least many dozens of higher level judges to choose from…You haven’t been keeping up on the news if you still think the eff bee eye is a clean righteous organization.