US Elections (& Politics) :)

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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Illegals are taking over the Trade Industries, making six figure incomes untaxed, all the while Black Americans are purposely kept in a made up state of victimhood by Democrats for an endless voter base.
I can confirm your statement is true. Our old neighborhood was a very diverse neighborhood when we moved in back in the 90s, we really liked it, over the 20 years we lived there we saw a lot of change. First the Asians started to move out, then during 911 all of the Middle Eastern families moved out, by the time we moved we were one of only a hand full of Caucasians left. Oh, just found out you can't use that word anymore, it's outdated :) Caucasian race Outdated classification of humans Also a lot of the black families moved too.
Anyway here is what happened, many of the houses went up For Rent, we saw a lot of Mexican-American families move in, some buying the houses, some renting. They were very good neighbors, then they started to sell and move out, possibly rent out, I don't really know, but the illegals started to move in, this I confirmed getting to know several of them, even selling a truck to one who had to put the truck in a Legal family member's name. During the last 5 years there, we started to see New Trucks all up and down our street, not just regular trucks, I am talking F250, F350s, Duallys, etc. Found out they were paying Cash for these, also found out by several that, yes they paid no income taxes, not sure why they would tell me this when I asked, guess they trusted me, I did not turn them in or anything, I was just a bit jealous of all their New stuff when my wife and I both had jobs, working very hard, paying taxes and had much older vehicles, also we Netted under 6 figures. We watched every morning their crews gather in their front yards and pile into the new trucks, only the Crew Chiefs spoke English. Were they making over 6 figures, I would guess, yes. Did find out later most did pay cash for their houses, keep in mind the houses in our neighborhood 10 years ago were selling for under 100k. Found this out from our Realtor Gonzales when we sold our house.
Crazy what all happened in just 20 years in one Neighborhood, plus add the 2008 housing market crash.

I also can confirm some of the trades they entered, Plumbing was a big one next to Landscaping in our neighborhood. Tile work too...

This is my take on all of this, College has been pushed so much that the generations have abandon the Trade Industry, gave the jobs away. Now there is a huge shortage of Craftsmen/women. These jobs are paying extremely well these days. Billing out Plumbers for $200 an hour, I am not joking, we saw a few years back where Plumbers are making more than Electricians. We have an Electrician family member with over 40 years at Baker Hughes (Shell Oil Contract), he told us of some of the signing bonuses they were doing just to get Craftsmen hired. I never got a bonus to be hired :(, not as a Craftsman...

:slap: Sorry for long post...


Getting comfortable
Nov 8, 2019
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Beacon, NY
Wow, who would have expected Bill Barr to come clean ???

What they're saying: “My attitude was: It was put-up or shut-up time,” Barr told The Atlantic. “If there was evidence of fraud, I had no motive to suppress it. But my suspicion all the way along was that there was nothing there. It was all bullsh*t.”

  • Barr said the department investigated a specific allegation, spread by Trump allies, that ballots were being wheeled into a central precinct in Wayne County, Mich., but found a simple explanation.
  • “In every other county, they count the ballots at the precinct, but in Wayne County, they bring them into one central counting place. So the boxes are coming in all night. The fact that boxes are coming in—well, that’s what they do.”
  • The department also looked into claims that machines were switching votes from Trump to Biden. "“We realized from the beginning it was just bullsh*t."
  • Barr also said that he told Trump the lawyers pursuing legal election fights were a "clown show."
Barr said that Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) had been urging him to speak out against Trump's false claims since November but would not do so himself. McConnell did not want to upset Trump as he needed Trump to campaign in Georgia.

“Look, we need the president in Georgia,” McConnell said, according to Barr. “And so we cannot be frontally attacking him right now. But you’re in a better position to inject some reality into this situation. You are really the only one who can do it.”
Aug 3, 2015
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Getting comfortable
Dec 12, 2020
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Well here’s an idea. Stop signing up to represent the USA, take that flag off your uniform, and go join another country’s team. Go represent China and bitch about the conditions there and let me know if they mind you protesting or bow down to you.
I’m sick of the clowns in this country that are destroying our freedoms. Go somewhere else!!

Aug 8, 2018
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Spring, Texas
Well here’s an idea. Stop signing up to represent the USA, take that flag off your uniform, and go join another country’s team.
I do not understand how the US Olympic Committee can allow a person on the team that will use their place on that team for political purposes. Love of country should be the first requirement for representing the USA. That is what every person on the teams are doing, representing the USA on the world stage. Getting up on the podium and 'protesting' your country is just an embarrassment.


Getting comfortable
Dec 12, 2020
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I agree completely. I’m sorry, but we have enough embarrassment by our so called leadership. If it wasn’t 44 running around doing an apology tour, destroying freedoms and lives, giving money to countries who hate us, and creating racial issues, we’ve now got a dementia-riddled buffoon and short order hooker and their cronies going around doing the same.
They are the ones who created further racial divide, the looting, riots, and enabled morons like this that provide even further embarrassment to our country.
Crap like this is what turns off the hearing of logical people who would normally be open for a decent civilized conversation. Her move was not a message; BS.


BIT Beta Team
Jan 5, 2016
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SE Michigan USA
Aug 19, 2020
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San Antonio, TX
Well here’s an idea. Stop signing up to represent the USA, take that flag off your uniform, and go join another country’s team. Go represent China and bitch about the conditions there and let me know if they mind you protesting or bow down to you.
I’m sick of the clowns in this country that are destroying our freedoms. Go somewhere else!!

Again, I think we should put her in a USA swimsuit and drop her off in the middle of Taliban controlled territory. Just me probably though....:)


Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
Trump joined Rumble
I wish he'd have done this the day the fascist leftist sites decided not to allow him free speech.
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BIT Beta Team
Aug 23, 2019
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