US Elections (& Politics) :)

I'll give it a shot, but may need clarification. Why do you think conservative Republicans are alt-right, isn't that just another Democrat "tag" or "label" for all Republicans, like racists, xenophobe, islamaphobe, threat to our democracy, etc. Don't assume DeSantis is the one elected, he is after all a politician. We don't need another politician right now.

1. My big plan would be to:
A) undo every one of Biden's doings - executive orders/policies, especially in regards to the border and energy.
B) replace all the heads of the DOJ and its underling agencies with trusted competent people and detain those ousted for investigation of illegal and treasonous activities and inactivities.*
C) increase border patrol and ICE agents, tighten border security and enforce the laws, return those caught entering illegally back to the Mexican side of the border, and deport illegal immigrants already in the country with a criminal record.
D1) ask the House and Senate to hold hearings into the Covid Plandemic and its handling. *
D2) ask the House and Senate to conduct a real Jan 6 hearing, including looking at actions taken and not taken by the capitol police and their leadership and those in government responsible for directing them, look into involvement of DOJ agents and/or plants during the unrest at the capital, and investigate the handling of the Jan 6 detainees both in custody and court.*

THIS is just a quick list, if I spelled it out, it would be bigger than you or anybody else would be willing to take the time to read or me to write.
*There would be an expectation of accountability with punishment to the fullest extent allowed by law for those found guilty of crimes.

2. I would be America First. As intended by the founding fathers, anything not specifically allowed the federal government would fall under the jurisdiction of the states. So more of a Patriotism than Nationalism mindset. Not a strict adherence to Isolationism, but we are definitely more involved in others business than we need to be. We wouldn't continue to be involved in Ukraine, what we have already done has escalated things beyond where they should be. Total isolationism is too far. Globalism is totally out of the question.

3. I must have another plan, First strike would be the southern border, but not with bombs or missles. As far as Russia, China, Etc., if someone commits an act of war toward us, we should be prepared to give a retaliatory strike. It should be of the intensity to end further acts of war. Speak softly, until time to yield the big stick.

4. You do realize that things that get broke or wrecked, don't get fixed overnight. I'm not sure the next administration will be able to fix the damage in two terms that this administration has done in just the last two years. I would hope the 2024 administration would at least be able to stop the bleeding and let healing begin. I have faith in that happening if we have a non-politician in place. So who would you blame?

How about you answer a couple of other questions.

1. What did Trump do that was so bad?
2. What has Biden done that is so good?

If you can, give factual, not opinionated examples. I would say take your time, but in regards to #2, I'm about to turn 68, so if you have nothing, please just say you don't.
Thanks for taking the time, and speaking of time, I hit 68 in a few months too, so we've both seen the changes thru the years. As far as the "Alt-Right" description, that used to be used in "Discussion Boards" some years ago and fairly far right from any "Centrist" views. Contrary to what many here and elsewhere think or are led to "think" even Congress used to be fairly certainly hasn't been in the last 20 years or so. As to your questions, here's a brief answer.

1: Trump has been described as a "Spoiled Brat" by people that knew him growing up, and by his actions, still is. His center of attention is himself, period. All he wants is for him to be the center of attention and he will do anything and say anything to get it. Everything is "His" he thinks, even to the U.S. Military. "My Generals" he would say, something you'd expect from an Authoritarian Dictator, NOT a U.S. President. He said he would "run the country like a business", and his previous business dealings were shady at best, and running the country is not a "Business". As for his denial of the 2020 election, he knew he lost but he also knew his "base" would get stirred up if he just said it was "rigged". He also had a lot of "fun times" in Russia too, let alone the Stormy Daniels affairs here, along with others. As far as Russia and his "dealings" there, I look at it from Putin's point of view as he was KGB and still is. Any good operative would take full advantage (and gather "Leverage") against a foreign national, particularly if he thought that individual might have "future political leanings...". Trump gave him all the material for "leverage" he could possibly want. Never said anything bad about Putin, did he? Wonder why... BTW, deny it or not Trump did promote Insurrection (and he new it) he did nothing but watch "His People" breaking into the White House in an attempted Coup. I'm rather sure the Founding Fathers would view Trumps actions with disdain and most probably make use of the "Noose" they made for Pence..

2: I've always had a dislike for "Politics" and vote "the lesser of evils". My hope for Biden would have been to hopefully return to some sort of "normalcy" in this country, didn't happen. The efforts (both internal and external) to divide this country have been wildly successful much to the glee of Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, etc. I haven't voted for a Republican since Bush Sr., it was then that I started noting the drift of the Republicans far from center and towards what would qualify as "far right and Theocracy leaning".

Be glad answer your individual points, send em' a couple at a time, I'll try to be brief, neither one of us has too much extra time, unless the species goes extinct before then (but that's another subject...).
P.S. whoever you vote for we will not be getting back Teddy Roosevelt (I could wish however...), and even Teddy would be disliked by the Republicans now because he wanted a "Square Deal" and would (and did) apply the "Big Stick" to Corporate Monopolies. As for a wishful "choice" now, maybe like was suggested on a tv interview somewhere some years ago when they had the Rock and Tom Hanks on...given current conditions I'd vote for em"...
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Trump has been described as a "Spoiled Brat" by people that knew him growing up, and by his actions, still is. His center of attention is himself,
Sounds really bad, and I tend to agree. However, look at some of the results of Trump's term in office:
1) Reduced foreign conflicts.
2) RINOs clearly exposed themselves.
3) Democrats exposed themselves as war mongers and racists.
4) He did less damage than any president in recent history, except to the triggered RINOs and democrats.
Sounds really bad, and I tend to agree. However, look at some of the results of Trump's term in office:
1) Reduced foreign conflicts.
2) RINOs clearly exposed themselves.
3) Democrats exposed themselves as war mongers and racists.
4) He did less damage than any president in recent history, except to the triggered RINOs and democrats.
"RINO": Invention by Trump meaning anyone who actually shows signs of actual Statesmanship (always a rare thing anyway), and by Trumps own admission, anyone who doesn't "kiss his ass".
By "War Mongers" do you mean supporting Ukraine against Putin? Who BTW wants to restore the Russian Empire back to it's "former glory" starting with Ukraine. Ukraine gave up its Nukes and although did not become a member of NATO, was given reassurances that they would be given protection against Russian aggression.
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As I have always said, I personally do no like President Trump. However, I COMPLETELY think that his policies were the BEST FOR THIS COUNTRY AND THE AMERICAN PEOPLE than any president has put forth in a long time! I will take the petty crap, the twitter ramblings/butt hurts as long as my country is DOING WELL, IS STRONG, AND NO ONE WANTS TO F**K WITH US.

My generals..omg...give me a break. The guy was not a politician and had very little to do with the Military. 'Authoritarian Dictator', wow! TDS has long outlasted COVID!!! And technically, as the commander in chief, yes, they are his generals. They answer directly to him. That has NOTHING to do with being a Authoritarian Dictator...It's called the CHAIN OF COMMAND.
The poster is a Marxocrat. Ignorance and hypocrisy just follow along naturally along with a total lack of critical thinking.
The poster is a Marxocrat. Ignorance and hypocrisy just follow along naturally along with a total lack of critical thinking.
I just happen to be "Critical" of your opinion. You'll find a lot more "opinions" contrary to yours, just not here in the Echo Chamber...
Quit feeding the troll!
The biggest Troll that you apparently are being fed by is at located in Florida, and you seem to have a voracious appetite.
Another newly invented fact?

"The first generally acknowledged print appearance of the RINO acronym came in a December 1992 article by John DiStaso in the New Hampshire Union Leader, who used it just after Clinton's electoral victory:"
A brief history of the term RINO, from Roosevelt to Boehner
Maybe I'm getting the "Facts" wrong here, I just don't recall a President Roosevelt after 92,' there does however seem to be historical reference to a Franklin Roosevelt as President from 1933 to 1945, and of course Teddy from 1901-1909, could be a Hoax though..(Right?...pun intended). Your attachment implies the above...
I just happen to be "Critical" of your opinion. You'll find a lot more "opinions" contrary to yours, just not here in the Echo Chamber...
I can hardly wait to hear your demeanor after Tues. 11/8.....NOT !!! :lmao:
The poster is a Marxocrat. Ignorance and hypocrisy just follow along naturally along with a total lack of critical thinking.
And I thought Riddick left you in a cage on Crematoria...(oops, wrong Toombs), but hell, kinda liked, him and between him and a Trumpite I'd vote for him.
Another newly invented fact?

"The first generally acknowledged print appearance of the RINO acronym came in a December 1992 article by John DiStaso in the New Hampshire Union Leader, who used it just after Clinton's electoral victory:"
A brief history of the term RINO, from Roosevelt to Boehner
Why let the facts get in the way. Your going to overload ( insert preferred pronoun) to have to have (insert preferred pronoun here again) take a mental health day just to recover.
I can hardly wait to hear your demeanor after Tues. 11/8.....NOT !!! :lmao:
Sorry to disappoint you but I expected what will probably be the outcome tomorrow, a year or two ago at least. My "demeanor" will remain the same.
Why let the facts get in the way. Your going to overload ( insert preferred pronoun) to have to have (insert preferred pronoun here again) take a mental health day just to recover.
By that standard, most here should take at least a months R&R....I just find the "Village Gossip" amusing. I will as part of the amusement, take great delight in pointing when out the Miracles you expect to happen after tomorrow don't occur. What version of the "Great Disappointment" is this now, gotta be in the double digits in the last couple of thousand years or so...:-)
Your going to overload ( insert preferred pronoun)....
Personally, I'd go with "you're" in the context used.
Perhaps it's YOU that should take a mental health day....:winktongue: