US Elections (& Politics) :)


Voted this morning and made the following observations

No ID Check

No Long Lines (Very short) - low voter turnout for a midterm election and it was only 6:15 (15 mins after polls opened)

Now we wait.
Can you articulate what he stood for? Can you explain his policies?

This whole thread is slightly nuts to me, because I'm basically a fiscal conservative but with real policy interests. There's no home for me in the republican party, nobody there wants to solve problems, they just want to fight against the "oppressor". How did you all get captured by Trump and Fox news?

Why do you fight for states rights and then demand federal level control over certain policies?

Do you really feel that these things are worth your time to define your being on? Isn't there more than the "us" vs "them" mentality that you all seem to be trapped within. We're literally living in the best country in the world (US) and yet you want to implode our society because you can't imagine a compromise position.

How did this all happen?
Here's my short version of GOOD Trump policy and beliefs:

He worked towards a secure physical border and policies that actually controlled the influx of immigration.
He saw the US become energy independent.
He told the Paris Climate Accord nutjobs to go F themselves.
He told NATO countries to pay their fucking fair share-- that WE are just not going to pay THEIR defense costs while they bitch at us and criticize because we don't have "free' healthcare or education.
He fostered policies that pushed unemployment down to the lowest levels EVER-- especially for POC. (The Congressional Black Caucus wouldn't even APPLAUD that fact in the SOTU speech-- they sat their like a bunch of dumb fuckers because "Orange man bad" is worse than JOBS. That moment of TDS insanity will forever be imprinted on my memory.)
He ordered the EPA to alter the Waters of the US rules that placed impossible standards on farm land.
He returned his Salary, donating it to different important causes.
He is probably the Only politician who sacrificed his own monetary interests while in office, dropping a massive portion of his own wealth.
He repeatedly showed a genuine appreciation for the military, law enforcement, and the Secret Service.

So what did he screw up in his term?

He NEVER reigned in the economic monster that is Big Government Spending; he (with Congress) contributed to it.

So--- I am curious what you mean by this: "Why do you fight for states rights and then demand federal level control over certain policies?"
WHAT "certain policies"?
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Say it aint so... this is my surprised face :blankstare:

20% Of Maricopa County AZ Voting Centers 'Having Issues'
20% Of Maricopa County AZ Voting Centers 'Having Issues' | ZeroHedge

20% of polling centers in Maricopa County, Arizona are experiencing problems with tabulation machines, according to the Chairman of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, Bill Gates.
#BREAKING Chairman @maricopacounty Board of Supervisors @billgatesaz says 20% voting centers are having issues w/tabulators. He says the ballot can still be dropped in the box, it will just get centrally tabulated tonight. He says they’re working to fix the issue. #Election2022
— Ali Bradley (@AliBradleyTV) November 8, 2022

BREAKING: Reports out of Maricopa county of Machines “not working” and ballots being “misread”

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) November 8, 2022
BREAKING: Now issues reported with machines in Wickenburg, AZ, northwest Maricopa.

Worker tells the voter to stop filming
— Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) November 8, 2022
I am getting flooded with calls and text messages from people who are having trouble voting all over Maricopa County.

THIS is why we must reform our elections. — Kari Lake (@KariLake) November 8, 2022

They only had two years to figure this out... Unless of course this is a feature, not a bug.

I'd like to note once again that Brazil -- with a population of similar size to the US (especially with mandatory voting and a voting age of 16) -- counted all votes nationwide in every race within 3 hours after the polls closed. Every race was decided that night. — Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) November 7, 2022

Meanwhile, every single Dominion voting machine is down across Mercer County, New Jersey, according to officials.
In a Tuesday morning notice, West Windsor Township informed residents that "Due to a Mercer County-wide system outage, all voting machines are currently down in each district across the County.

Voting machines are currently down, vote on a standard ballot Voting machines are currently down, vote on a standard ballot from West Windsor Police Department, NJ : Nixle
— West Windsor Police (@westwindsorpd) November 8, 2022

"The Board of Elections has advised the county of issues with voting machines. Poll workers will be on hand to walk voters through the process. The board is working with Dominion, the machine maker, to resolve the issue," reads a notice posted on Facebook, ABC6 reports.

For the second election cycle in a row, I go to vote and the machines are not working. Had to submit a provisional ballot. You have to do better Mercer County, NJ. The poll workers were wonderful amid the chaos.
— Eddie S. Glaude Jr. (@esglaude) November 8, 2022
Hmmmmm... I sense DejaVu all over again... theres a pattern here if I could just figure it out.. :idk:

ABC News Says "Red Mirage" Will Look Like Big Republican Win, But Vote Count Could Take "Weeks"
ABC News Says "Red Mirage" Will Look Like Big Republican Win, But Vote Count Could Take "Weeks" | ZeroHedge

In a throwback to 2020, ABC News reports that a “red mirage” could make it look like Republicans are winning big on the night, but that a full vote count could take “weeks.”

The legacy news outlet has published an article titled ‘Early election night results might not indicate final tallies (and why that’s OK)’.

The piece explains how Republicans may “appear to be leading their Democratic opponents, even by large margins” in federal and statewide races, but that their leads “will dwindle, or crumble completely” after “dumps” of mail-in and absentee ballots are counted after election day, which could take “weeks”.

Why America can’t count all the votes on the night, as is done in countless other developed countries, isn’t explained.
Hmmmmm... I sense DejaVu all over again... theres a pattern here if I could just figure it out.. :idk:

ABC News Says "Red Mirage" Will Look Like Big Republican Win, But Vote Count Could Take "Weeks"
ABC News Says "Red Mirage" Will Look Like Big Republican Win, But Vote Count Could Take "Weeks" | ZeroHedge

In a throwback to 2020, ABC News reports that a “red mirage” could make it look like Republicans are winning big on the night, but that a full vote count could take “weeks.”

The legacy news outlet has published an article titled ‘Early election night results might not indicate final tallies (and why that’s OK)’.

The piece explains how Republicans may “appear to be leading their Democratic opponents, even by large margins” in federal and statewide races, but that their leads “will dwindle, or crumble completely” after “dumps” of mail-in and absentee ballots are counted after election day, which could take “weeks”.

Why America can’t count all the votes on the night, as is done in countless other developed countries, isn’t explained.
it already smells like the fix is in....
We used to have results the Wednesday after election day. Now we spend hundreds of millions of dollars on computerized systems that don't work reliably and are not capable of actually counting the vote accurately. We're talking about an event that happens once a year, not every day and yet it seems a mountain that can't be climbed today. Then, the "Powers that be" wonder why no one trusts the entire system. This is totally disgusting and the problems all occur in the same places, over and over. Incompetent people don't get booted.
We used to now have results the Wednesday a week or so after election day.
^ Fixed it.
Also, we need to rename it "Election Week" or whatever suits.:mad:
Well, I don't see that as the case. Do you know what it was like in Socialist countries? What ones have succeeded today? Not many.

The remotely socialist policies that exist today that are perhaps from that era or before are Social security and medicare. If you don't need either one, I guess you planned really well for your retirement, and I applaud you.

I guess you are describing me since i'm in that age range, but my reality doesn't match what you think. I advocate for thinking for yourself every day, but I also self reflect on what my actions are and how they impact others. I might still do things that are good for me and bad for others, but I am fully aware of everything, and I have plenty of skills and a stable career. I'm not the majority in my age bracket, but I'm also not an anomaly. There will always be idiots.

If you only listen to Fox news and only exist on the Internet, I can see how you would think this is true. But it's far from my experience, and I don't spend much time with social media. You are right that there are lots of idiots in the world (not just the US), but of course that was always true. Thanks to social media and the Internet, they now have a voice, but only if someone chooses to listen.

What stand would you take? Do you want to send those people to re-education (internment) camps? The only path forward is compromise. Otherwise you are left to violence, and nobody wins in the end with that.

Not seeing it, even with the pre-Trump supreme court, 2A was fine, I had what I needed and nobody was taking it.
Free speech is alive and well, I can disagree with any government employee and not go to jail.

Agree, needs a compromise to solve. Building a wall does nothing to stop people from coming, a comprehensive solution is required, which requires compromise. Have to give the people a reason not to come, which means diplomacy.

If you want big tech to not censor you, then you have to regulate them, so you are not really a true conservative at that point. You can't have it both ways, either no private regulation or some reasonable private regulation to protect citizens health and property. Why would I want to operate in this country as a business if the government is going to tell me I have to serve customers that I don't want?

You don't know what this is, nobody does unless you're a college professor, but you assume it means a single race can't be dominant or who knows what you think. It's a good thing to allow all races to coexist and hopefully based on merit achieve. I think we'd be better off without returning to slavery. And, we can look back on history and say slavery was bad and there are lasting consequences from that. And still think this country is great. Two things can be true at the same time.

Agree, at 18 they should be free to do what they want, but before I think is unwise.

Nobody really wanted this other than some random city people that are clueless. The places that tried this probably did it poorly. You have to maintain or increase police funding alongside mental health services.

Might be fine for some offenses. There's plenty of data prior to the pandemic that no bail doesn't increase repeat offenses. Just too polarizing to be meaningfully debated these days.

Roe/Dobbs being overturned in the Supreme court, and all the Republicans out and about trying to make abortion illegal federally. Leave it to the states where it belongs, like almost all things.

I'm advocating for compromise. If I can't communicate with you, what hope is there? I can't agree with the current Republican party, and most Democrats are not extreme liberals. They are moderates looking for a better future. I just want a peaceful future to retire without having to worry. Voting for crazy Republicans that don't care about policy and only venerate Trump and his insanity is not an option for me, I want responsible government spending with accountability, and that requires candidates that are responsible and can articulate real policies that matter to an individual like me.
LMFAO, put your blinders back on. YOU ARE THE PROBLEM!!!!
^ Fixed it.
Also, we need to rename it "Election Week" or whatever suits.:mad:
If election DAY was a holiday, about 99% of the bullshit excuses the Dems want that open the doors to FRAUD would simply no longer be valid.

EDIT: on top of that-- local election officials need to provide enough polling places for everyone to vote in a timely manner. Nobody should have to wait more than an hour or so to go in and cast a ballot. People waiting for HOURS in long lines should not happen-- and that is a FAIL on the part of those planning for election polling places.
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It's no longer Election Day or even Election Week. It's Election Season which is totally ludicrous. One day a year out of your life to exercise one of the most sacred and valued rights of a Democracy isn't too much to ask. There are alternate methods, absentee ballots have been around for centuries I think, so why all this drop off crap? Then, if the dropped off ballot is not complete it can be "cured". I wish I had been able to "cure" wrong answers when I took tests in school. More bullshit is all it is to allow more cheating and fraud.
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