US Elections (& Politics) :)

Sounds like the Democrats children are planning on throwing a tantrum tonight.


Other Democrats discussed plans to storm out of the chamber if Trump crosses certain rhetorical lines, such as discussing gender-confused youths.
Oh, noooo! Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out! :lmao:
Nothing has changed with respect to State secrets and protection of the CIA and Mossad

FBI Refuses To Produce Evidence On Seth Rich Laptop​

Since the inception of the Russiagate hysteria that aimed to pin the DNC leaks and seemingly every other failure of the Deep State brought to light on the Kremlin, Clevenger has been leading the charge on revealing the truth behind those leaks that irrevocably changed the course of American history due to their impact on the outcome of the 2016 Presidential Election. Clevenger's vigilance has focused on uncovering the connection behind the DNC leaks and the role they played in the murder of Seth Rich, whose death has been spuriously claimed to be the result of a botched robbery despite the deceased not having any valuable items on his person stolen from him. Since he was murdered, the claim that Rich was the source of the DNC has been made by the likes of Kim Dotcom, Seymour Hersh, and heavily implied by Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.

In the years Clevenger has represented clients who filed FOIA requests and taken other action against the DOJ and FBI to release evidence taken into their custody following Rich's murder, he has been met with delay after delay which has turned his effort into a Sisyphean task. Clevenger first made headway with his mission in September 2022, when a federal judge ruled that the FBI and DOJ release the evidence they had on the contents of Seth Rich's laptop to him within 14 days. In response to the order, the FBI filed and appeal that requested the records be sealed for 66 years in the interest of national security.

That Kafkaesque tale of perpetual extensions granted to the FBI may have finally reached its climax as the FBI has informed Clevenger that he will not be getting and records from Seth Rich's laptop after all. While the FBI intends to meet the March 19th deadline, it has informed Clevenger that it will only produce an index that gives a brief description of the evidence and an explanation of why it is being withheld. This means any files, metadeta, or other digital evidence will not be disclosed the FBI or DOJ.

Exclusive — Zeldin: EPA Working with DOJ, FBI on NGO Corruption After Eight Groups Tied to ‘Gold Bars’ Scheme​

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lee Zeldin detailed on The Alex Marlow Show how the Biden administration protected $20 billion in “gold bars” meant for leftist NGOs, many of them with connections to the Biden administration.

Zeldin sent shockwaves in mid-February after he had pledged to recover $20 billion in taxpayer funds that had been sent by the Biden administration to climate change projects and other pet projects of Democrat staffers.

The EPA Administrator at the time likened it to “throwing gold bars off the Titanic,” saying that it was a “rush job with reduced oversight.”

However, Zeldin explained to Alex Marlow, the Editor-in-Chief of Breitbart News and host of The Alex Marlow Show, that the Biden administration tied up the money to make it harder for him and the Trump administration to conduct oversight of the $20 billion in “gold bars” to leftist NGOs.

Zeldin said that “the director of the greenhouse reduction fund left an NGO to come to the Biden administration, becomes the director of the greenhouse reduction fund, and gave their former employer $5 billion.”

He noted that one CEO who applied for a $20 million grant sat on the Biden White House environmental justice council, which had only received $3 million over the prior three years.

The EPA had uncovered that $2 billion was set aside for a climate change group, Power Forward Communities, which is associated with Democrat Stacey Abrams, even though the organization had only reported $100 in revenue.

He said that these eight entities which received these grants need to have proper oversight.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

My comment: The number of criminal actions by the Democrats is astounding.
That is until you end the grift.
