US Elections (& Politics) :)

I'm glad Canada is bringing this to light. Need to supply our own power and leave the Canadians to use their surplus to make ice.

Like I’ve said countless times, nothing will fundamentally change until you fix the corruption in Congress.
They are the ones who allocate the money
Ok, my wife and I have been discussing this...

*Major cities are strongholds of democrats
*democrats invariably seem to be a couple of bottles short of a six pack with assorted mental issues
*There have been many studies showing "trace" amounts of numerous/different pharmaceuticals in drinking water
---example: Here's a minor example, but... given that it's a government entity... Pharmaceuticals in Water

Here's my question, how much of a concoction of different pharmaceuticals does it take to start screwing up people's brain functions? As it's already been shown to be both corrupt and useless, please don't refer me to the CDC for insight on this...

I'm sure the democrats in congress will put on a display of what I'm wondering about during the President's address tonight...
Ok, my wife and I have been discussing this...

*Major cities are strongholds of democrats
*democrats invariably seem to be a couple of bottles short of a six pack with assorted mental issues
*There have been many studies showing "trace" amounts of numerous/different pharmaceuticals in drinking water
---example: Here's a minor example, but... given that it's a government entity... Pharmaceuticals in Water

Here's my question, how much of a concoction of different pharmaceuticals does it take to start screwing up people's brain functions? As it's already been shown to be both corrupt and useless, please don't refer me to the CDC for insight on this...

I'm sure the democrats in congress will put on a display of what I'm wondering about during the President's address tonight...
Add this to their mental issues:

The democraps are showing they are a special breed of disrespectful P'sOS. What an embarrassment to America.

I would love to see the capitol police march in, cuff every one of them disrupting the Presidential Address, and drag them outside to a holding area. Some should get a free trip to Gitmo. Surely there are house and senate rules that deal with such behavior.
I like how Trump said aloud "lunatics" while pointing at the Dems sitting on their hands.
Look at all of them--- they are all sharing a single brain simultaneously...

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I was going to post this. This is a prime example of why they will not win the White House again for quite some time. Look at these pathetic losers. 'Protect Veterans', well this Veteran feels very well protected and you liberal fucking turds can kiss my Veteran ass! They are an embarrassment to a pile of shit. At least a pile of shit serves/served a purpose.

I do love the fact that they just keep living in a delusional dream. Please keep living the 'dream'. Turds.
I love how Trump called out Pocahontas...LOL

Best 2 hour watch I had in a long time...
This is the mental retardation of the democraps. Could not or would not stand or applaud for anything positive for America. This includes investments by companies in America that will bring jobs and technology. Why sit for that? Why sit on your hands? Bunch of fucking America haters still mad that Trump is taking away their big grift.

So tired of waiting years to be proven right arent you?

For all of the Floyd fans out there, fuck you.

My understanding is that he arrived to the hospital ALIVE. So he indeed was not killed by anyone but himself.

The leftist justice system in cahoots with their Main Steam Media are flat out politically corrupt.

They instigated a national riot that killed 50+ people and caused Billions in property damage
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