US Elections (& Politics) :)

This just in:

The US government makes it a crime to protest against or say bad things about people from Bora Bora and Tonga
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Canada is in the shitter..

LOL, the stupid ones who fell for the "America is the boogey man" red herring have fucked themselves. Doubling down on your libtardness Canaduh. Good luck with that...LOLOL.
the party of compassion and caring.

The leftists are the party of violence. I never had a doubt about that and if a civil war would break out it would be because of roving gangs of leftists attacking people and property.
"Wow. @elonmusk says the cyberattack on @X today originated from IP addresses in Ukraine."

Just to throw possibilities out there, it could be a false flag. Elon throws the switch and blames it on Ukraine. I don't know what the motive would be, I don't know how to play 4D chess. Heck, for all I know it could be my cameras doing it.
The leftists are the party of violence.
Very true, but they have about half the population convinced otherwise. Same thing with race discrimination, the dems fought to keep minorities enslaved, yet the minorities think its the dems that fought for them. They've got one heck of an effective brainwashing capability.
Oh no, we're going to forget that only black lives matter. The tragedy that people might think that all lives matter.

I found this very interesting. Italicized words are my emphasis. A great way to get our farmland back.

Fox News

Missouri wins $24B judgment against China in COVID lawsuit

QUOTE: Federal judge Stephen Limbaugh Jr, on Friday ruled in favor of Missouri in the state’s $24 billion lawsuit against China’s Communist Party that accused it of hoarding protective supplies during the coronavirus pandemic.

"This is a landmark victory for Missouri and the United States in the fight to hold China accountable for unleashing COVID-19 on the world," Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey said in a statement. "China refused to show up to court, but that doesn’t mean they get away with causing untold suffering and economic devastation. We intend to collect every penny by seizing Chinese-owned assets, including Missouri farmland.”

Bailey's office said the judgment was six times larger than the previous largest judgment in the state's history.

Judge Stephen Limbaugh said in his ruling that the "Court finds that Missouri has provided evidence satisfactory to the Court to establish each Defendant’s liability to Missouri under Count IV of Plaintiff’s Complaint. The Court therefore enters a judgment against Defendants, jointly and severally, in the amount of $24,488,825,457.00, plus post judgment interest.”

Bailey also wrote on X Friday, "Hey China, You owe Missouri $24 BILLION. I just won a judgment in court. Pay up — or we start seizing assets and farmland.”

The ruling comes five years after former Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt sued China for "obstructing the production, purchase, and export of critical medical equipment, including PPE, during the pandemic," Bailey’s office wrote.