Using Amcrest WiFi POE Cameras with Dahua NvR5216-16p-4ks2


Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
I want to add my existing Amcrest IP2M-841 WiFi cameras to the Dahua NvR5216-16p-4ks2 NVR (when it arrives) for off-site recording. Will this be possible, given the fact that Amcrest likes to keep their system closed?
AmCrest is just a rebranded Dahua; it'll work just fine.. like its a real Dahua
I didn't know this particular model (Amcrest IP2M-841 WiFi) was a Dahua-rebrand. Might be previewing what is to come next, :D Thanks!
I have several of the amcrest mini wifi ptz's working with Dahua NVR's. They work great.