Using cameras for before/after shots - Yard makover


Known around here
May 14, 2019
Really pleased with the results. It all happens slowly, so to me it feels like it hasn't changed much. The pictures tell another story!




I've mowed my lawn 4-5 times in the last month!
Heres a "before" picture of my backyard from 17,000 years ago. the extent of glaciers over north America. Indiana was still mowing their grass in April back then too @looney2ns :)

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Ya ya ya, go screw a donut.....:)...i need to disassemble and get the moisture bags replaced. right after I do my taxes and a 100 other things.
Looks good. Did you have to resod or did it green up on it's own? Getting rid of the pool and patio must have been quite a chore!

They laid down sod when they took the pool out. but then it pretty much died from all the water pooling. Its coming back now the drainage is fixed, and I also overseeded with Bermuda, which is going great
Here are some of the back yard, its really growing now! The bare patches that appear next to the fire pit and near a tree are humps in the lawn I removed with a tiller, then I spread Bermuda seed





Here is around the side where the pool equipment was. Drainage was TERRRRRIIIIBBBBLELLEEE here too. I re-graded it




Not really, but I live on the gulf coast so there is always a risk of a tree coming down in a hurricane and knocking out power, or the mess to happen again like with the freeze in 2021

The last 2 long outages were 7 hours and 4 hours, both on Fridays when the utility was doing work in the area. They give very little notice (Not that I care!) and it would suck to be without power all day! I work from home too so always having power is nice!

Since getting it, the ones in yellow have been been the "real" outages. The one in green was my testing something by closing the main breaker, so ignore that



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Not really, but I live on the gulf coast so there is always a risk of a tree coming down in a hurricane and knocking out power, or the mess to happen again like with the freeze in 2021

The last 2 long outages were 7 hours and 4 hours, both on Fridays when the utility was doing work in the area. They give very little notice (Not that I care!) and it would suck to be without power all day! I work from home too so always having power is nice!

Since getting it, the ones in yellow have been been the "real" outages. The one in green was my testing something by closing the main breaker, so ignore that

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I'm in a hurricane zone here in the Caribbean so I can appreciate a good blackout. In October, we didn't have power for just short of five days. Didn't lose much food as we have a chest freezer with several cases of chicken which stayed frozen and kept what we moved from the fridge cool.

Looking into getting a generator but they can't be hooked up to the natural gas system. So it's a matter of diesel or gas, both of which suffer from shortages. But we'll figure it out.

I have a 12v 120ah gel battery array hooked up to a regular UPS which powers our cameras, TV and fan. If it's going to be a more than 24 hours, we don't turn on the TV and the batteries last around 48 hours. Decent enough since most of the blackouts in Havana are no more than 8 hours for scheduled maintenance and the schedules are published the day before.

Please excuse my "temporary" cable management. Lol


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Do you have any possibility to add PV? I have 17kw on the roof but no batteries, yet

You can store diesel for a very long time, so you could probably easy store 2 weeks worth of it just in case. I keep a lot of gasoline on hand just in case I need the portable generator, or if there is a run on the gas stations and there is a shortage (Idiots here will panic buy at the drop of a hat)