Using DSLR / HD Camcorder via IPTV?

Jan 4, 2018
Has anyone ever used a DSLR or HD Camcorder via IPTV encoder as a security cam? I have two older DSLRs and an assortment of generally unused lenses I was thinking about using to try this out. It looks like an IPTV encoder box that accepts HDMI as the input runs about $150. I've never had the need to run a DSLR continuously in live-view mode, but I'd imagine it would work and the sharpness would be unmatched with one of my real lenses mounted to the DSLR. Alternatively, an HD Camcorder would accomplish essentially the same thing. Just curious.

The DSLR would burn out after about a day or two I'd bet. Older DSLRs that first introduced "Live view" and video recording options had issues with heat affecting the sensors. It took years of research and development to improve the failure rates. Even now I'm skeptical of using live view and video for continuous and back-to-back 20 minute sessions. $160-170 gets you one of those Dahua starlight turrets that is built for 24/7/365 sensor usage with similar ISO handling as what you would find in an older DSLR. Any time I see a handy cam or camcorder used as a security camera I also have to laugh because of the inappropriate use :D