Well, I installed the Axton Nano 5 watt, 10 degree illuminator and while the illuminator certainly worked, it didn't provide much noticeable improvement to my LPR capture. I'm running a HFW5231E-Z12E and have to thread a bit of a needle through two trees (see attached) with ambient light. From the pic, you can see the daytime capture area circle in red, which about 85-90 feet from the camera. I have a couple of cameras on the pine tree to the left, and the second pic shows the IR shining in the vicinity of the capture area (you can see the neat line where the tree trunk is blocking the IR). As you can see, the IR coverage extends across the median, even through ambient street light, which is actually pretty impressive for a 5 watt illuminator.
My settings aren't perfect, but when there's a license plate light on a vehicle I generally get at least a partially readable plate. I was hoping the illuminator would light up the plates that aren't lit by plate lights. While I do notice the existence of those plates with the illuminator, they aren't close to readable. I'm thinking I'm going to try the more powerful, 11 watt, 10 degree version.
The last pic is an example of a decent (by my standards, at least) plate read without the illuminator.