Vehicle Burglars -- July 19, 2024


Getting comfortable
Jan 12, 2020
Lubbock, TX
The sorry driver just had to turn off the vehicle lights while his passenger got out and did the dirty work. :(



Two outstanding Lubbock citizens were out burglarizing vehicles on July 19, 2024. They stopped by a trailer with a vehicle on it and the passenger got out to apparently remove something from the trailer. They were in a red Dodge Ram 1500 pickup (Texas license plates TXG 7820 front and back).

Unfortunately, the recording camera is pointed into almost total darkess at some distance, so the quality is limited at night depending on where the camera is aimed.

I watched the event as it happened and did not call the Lubbock Police Department due to prior problems with delayed police response or no police response at all in late 2023. So I now just record stuff for my own amusement and sometimes post it to YouTube.
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Reactions: StevenFromTexas
Mind if we get some background as to why you're so popular with him?

I've got one of his Rottweilers picked up and euthanized by Lubbock Animal Services in the past. Lubbock Animal Services has visited his address many times about his dogs being loose and he knows I'm the one reporting him. He breeds those sorry animals.
I've got one of his Rottweilers picked up and euthanized by Lubbock Animal Services in the past. Lubbock Animal Services has visited his address many times about his dogs being loose and he knows I'm the one reporting him. He breeds those sorry animals.
I had a next door neighbor that had two Rottweilers in his back yard, and they would get extremely aggressive anytime I was in my yard near the fence, I was always concerned they would break thru the fence while I was out there, so I hung a crowbar on the fence just in case. One day I was talking to the neighbor and pointed out the crowbar and told him why it was there. Luckily I never needed to use it, and he got rid of the dogs shortly after.
I've got one of his Rottweilers picked up and euthanized by Lubbock Animal Services in the past. Lubbock Animal Services has visited his address many times about his dogs being loose and he knows I'm the one reporting him. He breeds those sorry animals.

Irresponsible dog ownership isn't punished often, nor strongly, enough. This story always makes my eyes a bit wet. Asshole ended up getting his one year sentence reduced to six months. Not justice at all.