Verizon vs. Tmobile

Robert hocevar

Getting comfortable
Dec 6, 2016
I have been with Verizon for years and I found a plan with T mobile that will safe me a lot of cash. anyhow, I switch over and on my wifes phone when she calls into her office to check messages the phone will only ring 1 time than line goes dead. I tried it on my phone and it does the same thing. Then we try to call from my sons phone and it goes through. he is on Verizon. any idea why this may be happening? I figured I would try here rather than dealer with the fist fuckers at tmobile
My brother has been a huge tmobile fanboy and tried to get me to switch from Verizon. There were several times his girlfriend would text us and let us know he has no service wherever they were. I almost made the switch until my wife posted on the ol’ Facebook and asked for feedback. Nearly everyone shit talked T-Mobile’s coverage and dropping calls.

I feel like I’m paying out the ass for Verizon but I have service nearly everywhere I go.. although since I got a new iPhone 12 on 5G the signal doesn’t seem as strong as it was on my iPhone 7. Every year I’m one of the few guys who still has signal at deer camp away from the cities.

I’ve had sprint before and would never wish that on anyone. My buddy worked there and convinced me to switch at the time. Then after he got a new job all he did was trash talk the service… some friend! Ha!

We have ATT at work and I have taken my work phone around to compare and they don’t have as good of coverage as Verizon either. At least not in remote areas. They switched our mobile computers from Verizon to ATT and even in big cities we get slow and dropped connections. Oh how I miss Verizon there!

I’ve settled on you get what you pay for with mobile service.

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I will probably be switch back to Verizon. I am saving about 30 bucks a month but If i cant get coverage than why bother.
I will probably be switch back to Verizon. I am saving about 30 bucks a month but If i cant get coverage than why bother.

Exactly what my thoughts were. Just annoyed me that to get our upgrade deal we had to switch to an unlimited plan, which ultimately costs more than the old plan we were on (we are on WiFi 95% of the time and rarely ever hit that data cap!). And the base unlimited doesn’t give you hot spot so I had to put my phone at the next level up as I use that when traveling. We are at $240 for three lines. That includes about $50 in device payments and their protection plan, which I might dump as we have never taken advantage of and it’s an extra $17 for each of the two lines we put it on. So if I drop the extras and after payoff I should be closer to $150 for three lines.

My only complaint is the store we went through to upgrade wasn’t an actual corporate store but rather an authorized retailer one. Apple/Verizon gave us $570 trade in on each of our old phones and only one of those credits made it to my Verizon account. The store was super helpful when I spoke to them the other day about it, sending me receipts to prove I did the trade in for the credit and they are working with Verizon to get it straightened out.

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Have to stand by the Window with T-mobile phones at gf’s house. Verizon penetrates into the kitchen. Including facetime. Att and Sprint have gotten better over the years at this address. Initially they were weak also.
I can see the State Capitol dome in St. Paul from herr patio. I-94 is 2 blocks away. Her mom lives in the Same complex in a different building. Same Results. 1 Verizon 2Att 3 Sptint 4 T mobile.
My gf convinced me to try T mobile in 2014 to save money.
The only two places where I needed it to work was at work and at home and it did not work consistently at work and I had to stand outside to place a phone call at hone. Complete bullshit. How can a guy be “ on call” with his job, and not get calls?
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I love T-Mobile and it works wonderfully for our family. Saves us huge amounts of $$$ and I have my work phone permanently forwarded to my cellphone for teleworking with no issues. They are extremely military friendly, meaning savings for us and I have found two stores that are just damn awesome to deal with. However, dealing with them over the phone can be very frustrating at times.

The absolute best service I have ever had was with AT&T. But we were paying almost 1/2 more with them for less. That's a nope for me.

As for 5G, Pfffft, what a gimmick, or at least for me it is thus far....
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I really missed ATT when i switched to T-mobile. My friend makes his living with the phone. He has T-mobile. Lives 15 miles northwest of of dwntwn St. Paul. No issues.
My issue with TMobile is building penetration. Its always been so bad with the higher freq bands they use. There main band is band 4 which is 1700Mhz. Compare that with Verizon and ATT who use main bands in the 700Mhz realm. The lower the frequency the better the building penetration.

Now Tmobile does own a big chunk of band in the lower 600Mhz (band 71) spectrum and has been aggressively building out infrastructure to support that. They also own band 12 which is in the 700Mhz spectrum. Whether you can access those freq depends on whether they have towers broadcasting those frequencies in your area and whether your phone supports it. Most phones support band 12 but only newer phones (post-2018) support B17.

If you want to stay on Verizon but want a lower bill you need to move off postpaid and move to prepaid: Prepaid Phone Plans | Unlimited, Data, & More | Verizon You can also use the multitude of MVNOs available: Straight Talk, Boom Mobile, Ting, Tracfone, US Mobile, Visible, Wing, Xfinity Mobile, etc... There are a ton of them: Verizon MVNOs Compared In 2021 - BestMVNO

I use PureTalk USA. They are a AT&T MVNO. We have had three phones on them for 3 years now. We pay $70/month for all three. Coverage is excellent as it uses native ATT towers.
In my experience Verizon is definitely the Best Network. I had 3 crews, all with different services. We travelled all over the Southern states, all areas. Those on Verizon had the best coverages...we even found several ended up roaming on Verizon in some places, can't remember one time Verizon had to roam. Now this has been 5 plus years ago, but our contract lasted 8 years. So 8 years of dealing with not being able to get in touch with my crews, I would end up having to call the guy on the crew who was on Verizon, I still have the names/list in my head who had which service...:)
So this is crazy; the speeds on Sprint are much faster than on T-Mobile at our house. Yes, we are still on Sprint, mainly because we don't travel as much, the service has improved ten fold over the years and last, my wife gets a 25% discount from her company which no one can come close to beating, other than pre-paid.

Anyway, check this out, we finally upgraded our S7 phones, we got S20plus phones, we love them. 5G Rocks, I have tested it all over our huge city, amazed how many areas have 5G. Here is the crazy part, the back part of our house we connect 5G, the front part we connect 4G LTE, it is almost an even split in our house. Crazy. We are in the 40s Mbps in the front of our house and in the 200s in the back of our house. Also the crazy part is we have several houses behind us, Where is the signal coming from? We can walk all around the back yard and test and get the same speeds.

We have been getting many offers to move over to T-Mobiles network, they will send us Sim cards for free. Well we did a test with family members who are long time T-Mobile customers. On T-Mobile's 4G LTE they got around 10Mbps, they had different phones, one Apple, I think an Apple 11, and a S9 Note, actually the S9 got better speeds. We did not, at the time, test in the back of the house. I only discovered this recently, since our daughter on Sprint, said she switched out her Sim card for T-Mobiles and want us to check speed. We have refused the T-Mobile Sim cards and we know time is running out to where we will have to eventually switch. But we are not on any contract so we can go anywhere. Just make sure before you ever switch you have your carrier Unlock your phone...We had Sprint unlock our S7s, they would be worthless to anyone else without being unlocked, unless they use them on Sprint.

Look at these 5G speeds inside our house,
not sure why the upload speed is low this morning.
NO WiFi only Sprint's 5G
I think Tmobile has projected 2022 for the Sprint network shutdown. Now, that will probably be postponed because they have had to postpone the various carrier 3G shutdown again and again. We had Sprint for about 12 years. Man it was awful back in those days.

You should create a signup for and download their app for your Galaxy phones and map your cell coverage. You can then look and see tower locations and signal strength as you map the signal.
I think Tmobile has projected 2022 for the Sprint network shutdown. Now, that will probably be postponed because they have had to postpone the various carrier 3G shutdown again and again. We had Sprint for about 12 years. Man it was awful back in those days.

You should create a signup for and download their app for your Galaxy phones and map your cell coverage. You can then look and see tower locations and signal strength as you map the signal.
Will do thanks. Yeah Sprint/T-Mobile told us we can stay on our plan for 3 years. I think next year is our year...
It all comes down to coverage. Verizon seems to be the best, with AT&T somewhat behind, but not much. Larger cities, they may all be comparable, get out in the boonies, and all bets are off. We live in a fairly rural area and have Verizon, nothing else works reliably here, especially since we have a metal roof.
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Yeah, After I changed jobs and went to northern Wisconsin with the T-Mobile phone, i noticed as soon as I got off the main highways theI signal would start to drop off and the office could not get a hold of me and then Google maps would have a tough time tracking me I had a tough time finding the addresses I needed to go to. After 2 days on the job i asked the guys what carrier works best up here. They said Verizon or US Cellular. Boom done.
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Verizon has the most coverage, and penetration.
I had at&t from work, but used Verizon for my phone. It was interesting where I had what service over the years.
I used a hot spot with Tmobile for a while since it was cheapest, it worked well in metro areas only, lot to be desired for coverage.
If you want to save money, pick the company you want to use, then pick a MVNO that you want to deal with.
Here is a good list of what who uses, and info on bands, etc. I have phones through Total for work and they do great,
except customer service is lacking since there is no local stores.
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We're using Consumers Cellular which is ATT after paying through the nose for Verizon for years. We're sort of in the boonies, at least for NJ, and have no problems anywhere, even on a trip to the boonies of VA and NC. We, or I, may change from CC with the next phone upgrade but I don't see that happening for another couple of years. My son is on Verizon and just upgraded to an S20 or S21. He says the 5G over in Bucks County, PA, is pretty bad. In and out, dropped calls. So I think I'll wait a while until 5G is actually fully rolled out and the kinks are ironed out.
I have used Ting Mobile for several yrs now, it's great if you don't need massive data.
Mostly likely, they will put you on Verizon towers as we are. You can ask before making the leap.
We are on the Flex plan, which cost's us $30 per month, for two phones. Unlimited talk and text.
We stick with Wifi whenever possible, and have not went over 1gb of cell data yet. We always purchase unlocked phones from, Amazon, Ting, or Google. My wallet won't let me pay more than $450 for a phone. I paid $325 for my current unlocked Pixel phone.. Their customer service is excellent, the very few times you will need it. No store nitwits to have to deal with.
We recently switched from Verizon to T-Mobile. We had 4 lines with Verizon, and with their discounts, the price per line was reasonable. But, my son needed a plan that had better international service so we cancelled with Verizon and are now down to 2 lines. T-Mobile had a very reasonably priced plan (essentials 55+) and we don't really use much data. Anyways, T-Mobile still has network extenders (femtocell) that route your phone and data to your internet. Paid about $30, including shipping

T- 285.jpg
I had Sprint around 2000 to 2003...OMG they sucked! I remember driving on 495/95 with my wired ear plug in my left ear, my window down, and the phone held out the window as high as I could get it to get some type of reception. Still have that phone....they sucked so hard then. :)