Version (January 25, 2015) d2d high cpu

Been up about 20% since 4.0.1.x

i5-650. 6 Hik's
Hmmm, I haven't upgraded to the yet. But, today I added 3 more hard drives to my bvr. To make all 3 fit in the case with the other 2. I had to do some customizing on the case. Needless to say she was stripped down for hours! I got the customizing done, cleaned everything real good, and reformatted all the drives. Now, here's the kicker! The cpu usage is back to normal with blue iris! I wonder if having it off (unplugged) cleared something in the memory related to bi. Hmmm, i'm happy! Just not sure what really fixed the high cpu usage. If I was betting though, I would bet the unplugging of my bvr for so long cleared it up!
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Well al be dog gone it's back up high again! :(Disregard my happy moment/post earlier!:(
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I upgraded to and seems fine now (for me); CPU is back to "normal" levels as I had in
Just ran my scheduled update. Been up on for about half hour and CPU is back to normal
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i'm back to normal :nuts:
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I'm also down from 50% to 35% (which is about normal for the load). Sure didn't take Ken long to fix that.

Ken replied and said the issue would be fixed last night. It appears that fixed it, back to normal. 40-50% cpu again.