Video "cuts off" in BI differently on different PCs but not in Hik-Connect - some sort of buffer problem?


Young grasshopper
Mar 26, 2018
Reaction score
I am running BI on a few computers and sometimes have issues with some cameras.
The video feed from BI to the cameras "seems to" cut off making BI display "no signal" message.
I then set BI to automatic "restart camera" - this function does not restart the camera but just restarts the BI interface for this cam.

Interestingly the PCs on the network have different "cut offs", means when one PC is "cut off" the others are not.
Additionally, I can watch the video stream from my smartphone using the Hik-Connect app without "cut offs".

This leads me to believe it is some sort of BI problem which is why I am writing the "cut off" in quotes.
Is it possible some buffer has to be set higher in BI so the "cutoff" are gone?

I used the automatic find function to find the video stream, should I test different options?

How does BI react if the video settings in camera are different than in BI?
I noticed the resolution is OK, the framerate in camera is 6 fps in BI it is 7fps. Could a variable bitrate be a problem for BI?
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IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
Reaction score
Are the cameras going thru a router? What is your network topology?

Are you using substreams?

What is the CPU% of your BI computer?

The software for the camera, in this case Hik-connect, is usually going to work better as it was designed specifically for their camera, whereas BI is made to work with lots of cameras.

The restart camera is only restarting the BI interface and that is the intent. If the camera cannot be seen by BI, it cannot reboot the camera physically. There is a command in the Watchdog that can attempt a camera reboot but again if the camera isn't seen by BI, then it has trouble.

Yes, you can up the buffer in BI. I have mine at 40 for almost every camera.

The find/inspect works in most instances.

The variable bitrate is not a problem - the FPS you see in the camera setting only impacts USB cameras. BI will take the FPS from the camera and up it 1 or so FPS for RAM purposes, but that is not your issue.


Young grasshopper
Mar 26, 2018
Reaction score
The cameras are not going through a router. The cams are on a switch with lan cables, attached to this switch is a PC. This shows "cut offs" as well, despite the wire connection.
This switch is connected to Powerlan, on a different powerlan adapter is another PC, this shows different "cutoffs".
My phone with Hik-Connect is connected to the WLAN router which is on a third Powerlan adapter showing no "cutoffs".

My CPU% is 12% in BI.

Does that mean if I change the fps setting in BI (max rate e.g.) then there is no difference for me because all cameras are on LAN?


IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
Reaction score
If you set the FPS within the camera itself higher, then you will have more problems of cut offs. If you set the max rates of FPS in the BI camera status, it will use more RAM.